Tuesday, Jan 21st

Last update09:51:06 AM GMT

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Barack Obama CFR info

Watch the whole video! Very Important information!


New evidence challenges official picture of Kennedy shooting

"There is no doubt in our minds that no fewer than 14 shots were fired in the pantry on that evening and that Sirhan did not in fact kill Senator Kennedy," said Robert Joling, a forensic scientist who has been involved with the Kennedy case for nearly 40 years.


San Fran’s newspaper exposes Elite Control Scheme

Both Parties are controlled by the same international elites, and in this new, Aquarian Age, we have to meditate, read worthwhile history (like the Mencken book alluded to below), and make our own informed choices.  And today, the San Francisco Chronicle has  exposed the NeoCon Elite’s scheme to use fear and control to centralize power.  Have you ever read anything as Orwellian as this?


Legal row breaks out over Lockerbie trial document

DAVID Miliband, the Foreign Secretary, believes releasing a secret document to the Lockerbie bomber would cause "real harm" to the national interest, appeal court judges were told yesterday.

Mr Miliband has issued a "public interest immunity certificate" against revealing the paper from an unidentified foreign power, which has insisted it should remain confidential and be kept from lawyers for Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi. 

TVNL Comment: Terms like "national interest" are code speak. What does that mean? It means that having the public find out that their government lied to them about a terrorist act would expose them as liars.


Everything You Need to Know About Water Privatization

A new web page of resources about whether corporations should own and control water for economic gain.


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