Date: July 21st 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: This morning CNN was holding a live interview with someone in Aruba regarding the missing Holloway woman. They are discussing the latest detail of the case which is the fact that they are doing DNA testing on hair that was found on some duct tape. The pretend journalist lady person also brought up the fact that she understands that they will be doing layered voice analysis as well. The pretend journalists is making the interviewee “back up” and explain all the details of what this voice technology is and she wants to know if it is used in the US. This pretend journalist really did some homework on this issue that has no affect on the nation.

When was the last time you heard that kind of detail examined on CNN about a vital issue? When do you see the toy news men and women use their questioning skills on issues that affect us? When have they ever made a politician “back up” and explain something that they just said? Wouldn’t it be nice if these pretend journalists used their skills for our benefit? Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· PM says US invasion of Iraq a mistake - In a candid submission made on the American soil, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said the 2003 US invasion of Iraq was a ''mistake''. - Singh is perhaps the first foreign leader to criticise the US invasion of Iraq while being in Washington. His statement drew a thunderous applause from senior American journalist.
TVNL Comment: He said what the journlaists should have said all along, and now they applaud his comments? They should be booing themselves!

· Iraqis Not Ready to Fight Rebels on Their Own, U.S. Says - About half of Iraq's new police battalions are still being established and cannot conduct operations, while the other half of the police units and two-thirds of the new army battalions are only "partially capable" of carrying out counterinsurgency missions, and only with American help, according to a newly declassified Pentagon assessment.

· Democracy was only an afterthought - The situation in Afghanistan is one of barely managed chaos

· Terror in Iraq/Bombers bred by war itself - The simple, difficult truth is that not very much is going well in Iraq -- not in putting down the insurgency, not in rebuilding the electrical power system, not in pumping oil, not in getting children back to school.

· Algerian diplomats seized in Iraq - Two Algerian diplomats in Iraq have been kidnapped in Baghdad, police say.

· Baghdad hit by fresh bomb attacks - At least eight Iraqis have died in a series of attacks by Iraqi insurgents in and around Baghdad.

· IRAQI POLICE LOSE CONTROL OVER MOSUL - Residents in the northern Iraqi city said police have stopped patrolling most of the city. They said Islamic insurgents have taken control of neighborhoods and walk freely with their weapons through most of Mosul.





· Ex-Intel Officers Speak on Plame's Behalf - Eleven former intelligence officers are speaking up on behalf of CIA officer Valerie Plame, saying leaking her identity may have damaged national security and threatens the ability of U.S. intelligence gathering.

· Plame's Identity Marked As Secret - A classified State Department memorandum central to a federal leak investigation contained information about CIA officer Valerie Plame in a paragraph marked "(S)" for secret, a clear indication that any Bush administration official who read it should have been aware the information was classified, according to current and former government officials.

· How dumb do they think we are? - Just how dumb do the Bush people believe we are, that we would swallow, for even a nanosecond, the fabrication that Karl Rove's only motive in calling reporters was to discourage inaccurate stories? Do they really think we are that stupid?
TVNL Comment: No; they KNOW many Americans ARE stupid!

· Memo Gets Attention in Probe of CIA Leak - The memo has become a key piece of evidence in the CIA leak investigation because it could have been the way someone in the White House learned — and then leaked — the information that Wilson's wife worked for the CIA and played a role in sending him on the mission.

· Cheney And Plame - In yesterday’s essay, Why Plame Matters , we suggested that the White House assault on the reputations of former ambassador Joseph Wilson and his wife had much to do with “the particular lie that Wilson exposed,” and we discussed the unusual role Vice President Dick Cheney played regarding the bogus “intelligence” about Iraq seeking to acquire uranium from Niger. Our Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) files provide contemporaneous insight into Cheney’s unusual involvement and throw light on continuing attempts to disguise it.





· Kodak Shedding Up to 10,000 More Jobs - On top of 12,000 to 15,000 layoffs targeted 18 months ago, Kodak is reducing its payroll by almost a quarter from where it stood in 2004, when a string of recent acquisitions is taken into account.

· Tax cut on investment income is not as advertised, researchers find - Millions of investors who bought dividend-paying stocks after President George W. Bush persuaded Congress to lower the taxes on investments to 15 percent are paying a lot more - in some cases, almost 50 percent more - two new analyses show.


9/11 News :


· NY Fireman Lou Cacchioli Upset That 9/11 Commission 'Tried To Twist My Words - Former veteran fireman recalls hearing three distinct 'huge explosions' while rescuing people in north tower between 23rd and 24th floors, testimony ignored in the 9/11 Commission's final report.

· 9/11 Victim Familie Declare Commission Report Failure - September 11 Victim Families who Fought to Create the 9/11 Commission Declare it a Failure on the First Anniversary of the 9/11 Report. - 9/11 families join researchers to ask independent media and the foreign press for help

· WTC 7 and the Missing Plane - Theory: Building 7 was supposed to be hit by Flight 93 but Flight 93 was shot down by a pilot who was doing his job and was not in on the plot. The planes hitting the towers were the cover story for the cause of collapses.

· 'Exercise' To Focus On Nuclear Terror Scenario In US - Is this the plan just like the "false flag" operations on 9/11 in New York and at the Pentagon, and earlier this month in London, on 7/7?

· Now America accuses Iran of complicity in World Trade Center attack - The all-party report by the 9/11 Commission, set up by Congress in 2002, will state that Iran, not Iraq, fostered relations with the al-Qa'eda network in the years leading up to the world's most devastating terrorist attack.







· House Votes Against Early Iraq Withdrawal - Calls for an early withdrawal from Iraq are a mistake that will only embolden terrorists, the House resolved Wednesday. The resolution drew opposition from Democrats, who said it implied that questioning President Bush's Iraq policies is unpatriotic.

· President Calls on Congress To Extend Patriot Act Provisions - As a result, they say, it poses a threat to the privacy of law-abiding Americans by allowing authorities to employ measures such as roving wiretaps, and by giving them access to medical and library records in the course of investigations.

· McKinney calls for review of voting machines - McKinney said she planned future news conferences where she would show more evidence of problems with electronic voting.





· Man Kills Waitress Over Letter to Editor in Local Paper - A resident of Hominy, Okla., walked into a local diner Tuesday afternoon and allegedly shot a pregnant waitress, 26-year-old Becky Clements, in the head, then shot her again in the stomach and chest. Sheriff Ty Koch said the motive is apparently a recent letter to the editor of the Hominy newspaper, the News Progress, written by the woman.
TVNL Comment:
America, the greatest nation in the world!






· Senators Challenge Bush Administration's New Mercury Rule - The administration's new EPA rule exempts power plants from the list of polluting sources subject to strict mercury controls. Yet power plants are the largest man-made source of mercury emissions in the U.S., contributing 41 percent of the annual total.

· Proposed Endangered Species Bill Rescinds Sound Science - In addition to the dramatic crippling of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) examined in yesterday’s BushGreenwatch, Rep. Richard Pombo’s proposed Threatened and Endangered Species Recovery Act of 2005, would do other harms as well.





· Police respond to London incidents - At least one person has been injured following a number of incidents on Underground trains and a bus in London, police say.

· US fury as Sudan manhandles staff - US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has demanded and received an apology after US officials and journalists were manhandled by Sudanese security staff.

· Oil manoeuvres by China, India, challenge US - Iran, Sudan, Venezuela, Syria - nations shunned by America as nuclear threats, insurgent havens or human rights violators are increasingly being wooed by China and India in a race for oil and influence that is challenging Washington on the energy and security fronts.





· U.S. Soldiers in Iraq Report Low Morale - A majority of U.S. soldiers in Iraq say morale is low, according to an Army report that finds psychological stress is weighing particularly heavily on National Guard and Reserve troops.
TVNL Comment: But aren't our yellow ribbons helping them? We better get some more!

· Iraq Vets Place Ad in WaPo Challenging Bush! - First Major Print Ad by Such a Group, Critical of Admin's Vet Health Care Budget - Ad Text: 'Mr. President, You're Either With Us or Against Us'










· Administration Calls Media Shield Bill 'Bad Public Policy' - The Bush administration said today that proposed legislation to create a federal law to protect reporters from being jailed when they refuse to reveal their sources is "bad public policy."
TVNL Comment: Yet the Bush administration has been working non-stop for 5 years to exempt themselves from war crime charges. That is good public policy?

· Bush takes media by the horns after days of trouble - Analysts said the timing was also designed to take media focus away from the troubles facing Bush's embattled adviser, Karl Rove.

· American Mullahs and the Cult of Fear: Network News as Counter-Reality - First, a network news host with something to say, says nothing. And then, a network news reporter with nothing to say, says something. And in both cases fact and truth went missing.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· Shortages of pediatric cancer drugs are common - Doctors across the country are concerned about a shortage of some key drugs used to treat pediatric cancer.

· What the American Medical Association hopes you never learn about its true history - The AMA claims to support "progress," but history shows that the AMA has worked diligently to block much in the way of real progress in order to control medicine and shut out competition.

· TWO NEW STUDIES ON ASPARTAME AND DIET DRINKS CONFIRM SOURCE OF OBESITY, CANCER/ MALIGNANT BRAIN TUMOR EPIDEMICS. NEUROSURGEON SAYS BAN TOXIN FROM SCHOOLS! - "Since aspartame can increase obesity and may even cause the metabolic syndrome that affects 48 million Americans, there is no reason to ever consume this product. At the least it should be immediately banned from all schools."





· Shortages of pediatric cancer drugs are common - Doctors across the country are concerned about a shortage of some key drugs used to treat pediatric cancer.

· What the American Medical Association hopes you never learn about its true history - The AMA claims to support "progress," but history shows that the AMA has worked diligently to block much in the way of real progress in order to control medicine and shut out competition.

· TWO NEW STUDIES ON ASPARTAME AND DIET DRINKS CONFIRM SOURCE OF OBESITY, CANCER/ MALIGNANT BRAIN TUMOR EPIDEMICS. NEUROSURGEON SAYS BAN TOXIN FROM SCHOOLS! - "Since aspartame can increase obesity and may even cause the metabolic syndrome that affects 48 million Americans, there is no reason to ever consume this product. At the least it should be immediately banned from all schools."









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