Date: August 20th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: One Word for All of of Those China Product Bashers: “Cigarettes”

As America continues it's relentless mission to push the limits of hypocrisy in every area from human rights to personal or national security, the recent spate of attacks on Chinese made products by the American glass house living stone throwing establishment media serves as another example of how American hypocrisy seems to have no limits. Let us for a moment forget about the healthy and safe contributions to our air, water and DNA altered food supply our American corporations have made. Forget for a moment about the mercury in your autistic child's American made vaccine or the hormones, antibiotics or rocket fuel in your American cow produced milk, and forget about the poison pouring into our rivers from our American manufacturing plants. Forget for a moment about the new laws bushed through by the Bush administration reversing the efforts to reduce the amount of mercury and other poisons being pumped into your air by coal burning power plants. Let's just think about one product made predominantly by American companies and sold around the world by American companies. That one product: cigarettes.

Think about this...cigarettes are the only product ever permitted to be produced and sold, virtually unregulated, that when used as directed will kill you. It is the only legal product that will, with every use, not only cause harm to the user but with cause harm to and all people within air traveling distance from the user.

I have seen American people yell and scream and throw tantrums when any discussions about their right to smoke are even discussed. I, as an asthma sufferer have had to tip toe around the over sensitivities of people who care not about the harm they do to those around us while they exercise their right to make use of the deadly harmful product known as the cigarette. These same people are not bashing the Chinese because they produced cheap toys and cheap food that may not be as safe as they should be. Oh, is there even a word to describe the magnitude of American hypocrisy?

If Americans want to address the problems posed by dangerous products they may want to start with American products. Americans don't even want to keep their kids safe from cigarettes, what makes them want to protect them from toys? Think about it! Jesse Richard – Editor,

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Sesktak Warns Iraqi Oil Law Contains ‘Undue Ability Of U.S. Oil Companies To Control Iraqi Profits’
- Alternet’s Joshua Holland reported recently, “If passed, the Bush administration’s long-sought ‘hydrocarbons framework’ law would give Big Oil access to Iraq’s vast energy reserves on the most advantageous terms and with virtually no regulation.” The framework law proposes to hand over effective control of as much as 80 percent of the country’s oil wealth.

U.S. foreign policy experts oppose Bush's surge - More than half of top U.S. foreign policy experts oppose President George W. Bush's troop increase as a strategy for stabilizing Baghdad, saying the plan has harmed U.S. national security, according to a new survey.

US steps closer to war with Iran - The Bush administration has leaped toward war with Iran by, in essence, declaring war with the main branch of Iran's military, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), which it plans to brand as a terrorist organization.

Military commanders tell Brown to withdraw from Iraq without delay - Two generals told The Independent on Sunday last week that the military advice given to the Prime Minister was, "We've done what we can in the south [of Iraq]". Commanders want to hand over Basra Palace – where 500 British troops are subjected to up to 60 rocket and mortar strikes a day, and resupply convoys have been described as "nightly suicide missions" – by the end of August.


Bush Administration Has Been Using Illegal Wiretapping and Spying Activity for Political Purposes. Doubt It?
- LINK - Why do we sometimes think that we are living in the Soviet-era, Stasi run East Germany? Maybe that’s because a headline last week read, "US moves to use spy satellites for domestic surveillance." Or maybe, returning to the trial in California, that the White House refused to sign a document assuring the court that there "eavesdropping" was not being used domestically under the guise of claiming it was being used to stop terrorism:

The Founders Had an Idea for Handling Alberto Gonzales - Members of Congress should keep in mind, however, that the founders gave them the impeachment power for a reason — and Mr. Gonzales’s malfeasance is just the sort they were worried about.


How Rove Directed Federal Assets for GOP Gains - Bush Adviser's Effort to Promote the President and His Allies Was Unprecedented in Its Reach
TVNL Comment: This has been known for years but the establishment media decides to tell us now.

Bush secrecy on domestic spying under fire - The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals panel sent strong signals that the Bush administration may have to defend the legality of at least portions of its anti-terror spying program.

Rumsfeld Resigned Before 2006 Election - The president, however, did not announce that Rumsfeld would leave until the day after the election.
TVNL Comment: It is simply impossible to count the lies and deceptions perptrated by the Bush administration.

Fired U.S. Attorneys: Were There Others? - - Could the U.S. Attorneys firing scandal be bigger than Americans know?
TVNL Comment: American's don't know anything thanks to the media. So the answer to that question is...OF COURSE!


After Foreclosure, a Big Tax Bill From the I.R.S.
- Foreclosure is one way that beleaguered homeowners can fall into this tax trap. The other is when homeowners are forced to sell their homes for less than the value of the mortgage. If the lender forgives that difference, they are liable for income taxes on that amount.

Subprime Infects $300 Billion of Money Market Funds, Hikes Risk - Unbeknownst to most investors, some of the largest money market funds today are putting part of their cash into one of the riskiest debt investments in the world: collateralized debt obligations backed by subprime mortgage loans.

Mortgage lender lays off nearly 6,000 - First Magnus Financial Corp., a national mortgage lender that is suspending operations, says it has laid off 99 percent of its nearly 6,000 employees nationwide and closed all of its more than 300 offices.

Socialism for the Rich; Free Enterprise for the Rest of Us - When we strip away the high sounding terms like potential to restrain economic growth, we are left with a bailout of super-rich corporations. Lending by the fed increases the debt that taxpayers have to pay back, so this is a perfect example of socialism for the rich.

Money as debt - One of the last things John F. Kennedy did before he was assassinated was declare his intention to reform the central banking system of the United States. No connection between these two events?

9/11 News :

Michael Moore: 9/11 Could Be Inside Job
- Moore told reporters, "I've had a number of firefighters tell me over the years and since Fahrenheit 9/11 that they heard these explosions-- that they believe there's MUCH more to the story than we've been told. I don't think the official investigations have told us the complete truth-- they haven't even told us half the truth."

Al Qaeda Videos May Be Doctored - One computer expert, however, has conducted extensive image analysis on many of the videos and concluded that in many cases the tapes were likely doctored to give a false impression of the speaker's location.

Never, ever stop being afraid: Mossad disinformation site DEBKAfile says New York is still at risk - Despite the fact that Debka's sources are not viewed as very credible by the Israeli reader, Shamis insisted, "Debka has a monitoring department and its main job is to follow al-Qaeda and other terror organizations' online movement.

Giuliani: I Misspoke About Ground Zero - Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani said Friday that he misspoke when he said he spent as much time, if not more, at ground zero exposed to the same health risks as workers combing the site after the Sept. 11 attacks.


Hastert Leaving Congress - Former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert is in Asia, but he's scheduled a news conference in Kendall County for Friday.

Clinton's first-lady records locked up - Archivists say the documents at her husband's presidential library won't be released until after the '08 vote.
TVNL Comment: As secretive as the Bush's.

Top Democrat: Our policy on Iraq won't imperil Israel, leave chaos - U.S. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md) told Haaretz on Wednesday that the Democrats would seek to avoid a policy on Iraq that "will leave chaos and will endanger Israel."
TVNL Comment: Ans we all know who Congress answers to. I'll give you a is not Americans.

Yet again, the Democrats roll over - What's more, the president has found out that he can break the law and the rubber stamp Democratic Congress will give him a pass every time.
TVNL Comment: They are al criminals. Let's not fool ourselves into thinking that this is politics...this is high crime and conspiracy.


ACLU Lawyer: Patriot Act Gag Order is Unconstitutional - Congress does not have the power to demand silence from people forced to turn over electronic communications such as Internet records used to investigate terrorism, an American Civil Liberties Union lawyer argued yesterday.

Concerns Raised on Wider Spying Under New Law - Broad new surveillance powers approved by Congress this month could allow the Bush administration to conduct spy operations that go well beyond wiretapping to include — without court approval — certain types of physical searches on American soil and the collection of Americans’ business records, Democratic Congressional officials and other experts said.

Federal ID plan raises privacy concerns - The Department of Homeland Security insists Real ID is an essential weapon in the war on terror, but privacy and civil liberties watchdogs are calling the initiative an overly intrusive measure that smacks of Big Brother.

Feds pay $80,000 over anti-Bush T-shirts - A couple arrested at a rally after refusing to cover T-shirts that bore anti-President Bush slogans settled their lawsuit against the federal government for $80,000, the American Civil Liberties Union announced Thursday.

New Bush prosecutorial theory in Padilla allows preventive detention on vague evidence - The conspiracy charge against Mr. Padilla, Professor Margulies continued, “is highly amorphous, and it basically allows someone to be found guilty for something that is one step away from a thought crime.”

Al-Haramain Case: Govt Says Facts Are Too Sensitive For Even The Defense To See - How lawyer navigates sea of secrecy in bizarre case - Among the obstacles: responding to a filing he can't see and writing a brief with none of his notes at hand.

American Spy Satellites To Snoop On U.S. - The Wall Street Journal reports that the Department of Homeland Security has approved a measure to allow federal civilian agencies and law enforcement to turn American spy satellites on their own citizens for the first time.


Whistle-blower in China faces prison. - For much of his adult life, Wu Lihong campaigned to clean up his befouled local lake. That cause appeared to get a boost in May when the sorry state of Lake Taihu, the third-largest in China, elicited national outrage after a carpet of algae scum on the lake made tap water undrinkable for millions of households.

World's birds on death row: Race against time to save 189 species from extinction - The world's most ambitious bird conservation project will be launched this week amid evidence that hunting and loss of habitat has caused species to disappear at an unprecedented rate.

Poisoned city fights to save its children - Families in a Peruvian valley choked by toxic gas from a smelter are taking on a US metals giant
TVNL Comment: Another example of how wonderful America is to the world.

Ohio beaches' bacteria level worst in nation - Even after three decades of clean-water efforts, they remain Northeast Ohio's unwholesome trinity - summer storms, sewage overflows and swimming in Lake Erie.

Analysts See ‘Simply Incredible’ Shrinking of Floating Ice in the Arctic - The area of floating ice in the Arctic has shrunk more this summer than in any other summer since satellite tracking began in 1979, and it has reached that record point a month before the annual ice pullback typically peaks, experts said yesterday.


China Begins Building $6.5B Nuke Plant
- China began building the first nuclear power plant in its northeast on Saturday, part of a rapid nuclear expansion meant to curb growing use of coal and oil, a state news agency said.

Only 'virtual protests' allowed at North American summit - Protesters will be "seen and heard" when North American leaders meet next week in Montebello, near Ottawa, but only virtually -- via an audio-video feed set up by organizers. And the heads of the United States, Canada and Mexico may opt to change the channel.

Philippines teeters on brink of total war - The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) have launched a new military campaign against radical Muslim insurgents in its southern regions, an offensive nominally aimed at finishing off the hobbled 300-member Abu Sayyaf terror group, but one that also threatens to widen the conflict with two ceasefire groups, the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

Venezuela's Chavez proposes six-hour workday - President Hugo Chavez proposed a constitutional change on Wednesday to reduce Venezuela's maximum workday to six hours as part of broader legal changes to advance his self-styled socialist revolution.
TVNL Comment: This kind of thinking got Kennedy killed. Kennedy wanted to end the Federal Reserve system, absolve Americans of their debt (personal debt), and work towards a 35 hour work week. If you want to understand who had to give the approval for his death start with the central banking families and their friends, like the Bush family.

No American President Can Stand Up to Israel - "No American President can stand up to Israel." - These words came from feisty Admiral Thomas Moorer, Chief of Naval Operations (1967-1970) and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (1970-1974). Moorer was, perhaps, the last independent- minded American military leader.


Army too stretched if Iraq buildup lasts - Sapped by nearly six years of war, the Army has nearly exhausted its fighting force and its options if the Bush administration decides to extend the Iraq buildup beyond next spring.

Army Reports Brass, Not Bloggers, Breach Security - For years, the military has been warning that soldiers' blogs could pose a security threat by leaking sensitive wartime information. But a series of online audits, conducted by the Army, suggests that official Defense Department websites post material far more potentially harmful than anything found on a individual's blog.

Short of Purple Hearts, Navy tells vet to buy own - After waiting 55 years, however, Reed decided to pay $42 for his own Purple Heart and accompanying ribbon — plus state sales taxes — at a military surplus store.

Pentagon Paid $998,798 to Ship Two 19-Cent Washers - A small South Carolina parts supplier collected about $20.5 million over six years from the Pentagon for fraudulent shipping costs, including $998,798 for sending two 19-cent washers to an Army base in Texas, U.S. officials said.
TVNL Comment: Those sons of bitches in the military industrial complex supporting the troops by robbing our nation!

DOD Stops Plan to Send Christian Video Game to Troops in Iraq - Operation Start Up (OSU) Tour, an evangelical entertainment troupe that actively proselytizes among soldiers, will not be sending the "apocryphal" video game in care packages as planned, according to the department.

Military opens door to more dropouts - While that program is aimed at keeping recruits in uniform, the Army and Army National Guard also reach out to past dropouts — some of them already years out of school — with a promise of helping them get their GEDs if they enlist. More than 13,000 recruits have earned GEDs through the program, known as Education Plus, which started in 2005.

Homeless vets: a hidden crisis - 'That's the scary part: when they get out of the Army and realize they're not who they used to be,'' he said. ''It seems easier to disappear in the woods and live that way. A lot of these kids aren't going to be prepared. I wasn't prepared.''


One Word for All of You China Product Bashers: “Cigarettes” - Americans don’t even want to keep their kids safe from cigarettes, what makes them want to protect them from toys?

Establishment Vs Grass Roots America - Our federal government now uses fear and intimidation to control US, fear and intimidation founded upon its total and totalitarian rejection of the formerly sustaining principles of individual citizen sovereignty and freedom. And since our government no longer operates within the limited confines of our nation's former rule of law, it is a lawless and illegitimate government.

When Will Americans Have Had Enough - On-Line Video

A Disneyland of Militant Ignorance: The American Normalization of Mass Murder. - Given the nation’s tottering infrastructure, imperial overreach abroad and vandalized constitutional process by a lawless executive branch, what will it take to scare the general public, mainstream press and political classes into immediate action to bring about meaningful change? At this twilight hour of the American republic, there must come a paradigm shift of seismic proportions or else the republic will perish.

The Democrats Are Selling Out the Peace Movement - And much of the peace movement is selling out to the Democrats…
TVNL Comment: And they are both selling out 9/11 truth!!!


U.S. media curtail Iraq war coverage: study - Attention to the war dropped in all five media sectors surveyed. Network evening news, the sector that gave the war the greatest share of attention in the first quarter, scaled back more than 40 percent, from 33 percent in the first quarter to 19 percent in the second, the study showed.

YouTube censors Cheney '94 clip - This video was removed from the “Most Viewed” and “Most Discussed” lists, even though the videos NOW on those lists have fewer hits and fewer messages. Meanwhile, YouTube has decided you will be directed towards male-female mixed wrestling, a UFO in Haiti, and something called “Shit Pickle” on its “Favorites” list.

Financial pressures force Snow departure - White House press secretary Tony Snow said Friday he'll leave before the end of the Bush presidency because he needs to make more money.

Imus and CBS Reach Settlement of Threatened Suit - Don Imus has reached a settlement with CBS over his multimillion-dollar contract after his being fired from his morning talk show and is in negotiations with WABC radio to resume his broadcasting career there, CBS and a person familiar with the negotiations said today.

Murdoch taking aim at N.Y. Times - Murdoch said during an earnings conference call last week that he wanted the financial newspaper to have "more coverage of national, international and nonbusiness news . . . all to better compete with the New York Times and other national newspapers."


Dangers of Statin Drugs: What You Haven’t Been Told About Popular Cholesterol-Lowering Medicines - Hypercholesterolemia is the health issue of the 21st century. It is actually an invented disease, a "problem" that emerged when health professionals learned how to measure cholesterol levels in the blood.

Omega-3 supplements rapidly eliminate ADD, ADHD and bipolar disorder in children - Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital have reported that omega-3 fatty acid is highly effective in treating children with ADD, ADHD and bipolar disorder.

US Slipping in Life Expectancy Rankings - For decades, the United States has been slipping in international rankings of life expectancy, as other countries improve health care, nutrition and lifestyles.

U.S. ranks just 42nd in life expectancy - For decades, the United States has been slipping in international rankings of life expectancy, as other countries improve health care, nutrition and lifestyles.

Starbucks And Kroger Choose Hormone-Free Milk - The Los Angeles Times, on August 5, 2007, reported that the Kroger Co., one of the nation's largest retail grocery chains is eliminating Monsanto's synthetic bovine growth hormone, rBST from its milk. The Times calls it "A Blow To Monsanto".
TVNL Comment: But tht Times does not all the hormone a blow to the health of Americans.


Israel to Turn Away Darfur Refugees - Israel Turns Away Darfur Refugees, Which Some Say Is Shirking Its Moral Responsibility

YouTube row over social services baby threat - She recorded a social worker telling her and her husband Martin, 41, that even though there was "no immediate risk to your child from yourselves", the council would seek a court order to place the child in foster care.

Images show pleading Iraq prisoners - "I have been jailed for two years and have never been put before a judge or court!" one prisoner is shown shouting.

Holocaust victims living in poverty - Holocaust survivors have been trying to embarrass the Israeli government into action.

Fuel block hits Gaza power supplies - The Palestinian electricity company that supplies most of Gaza will cut power to the area later today because Israel has shut a crossing through which fuel supplies are transported.

Mounties, CIA Implicated in Arar Torture Scandal - The new information directly implicates the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency in Arar’s rendition to Syria, according to a statement by the Centre for Constitutional Rights, based in New York.
TVNL Comment: What a surprise,


Baptist Pastor Under Scrutiny -The Rev. Jerry Sutton, a prominent Southern Baptist pastor who lost a bid to become president of the denomination, is now facing an upheaval in the megachurch he leads, including complaints that he spent church money on his daughter's wedding.- One of Sutton's former administrative assistants has also said Sutton looked at pornography on his church computer and had an affair with a church staff member - charges that the church denies.

Preacher behind bars after alleged abuse at Christian camp - Investigators said that a San Antonio preacher has been arrested, after a 15-year-old girl from Floresville, claimed she was abused while at a Christian boot camp in Banquete.

The Power Of The Rothschilds - It has been said all roads lead to Rome. For this book, it could be said all paths of investigation lead to the Rothschilds.

Charged with shady business dealings, Romney fund-raiser resigns - Mitt Romney's presidential campaign said today it has accepted the resignation of a major fund-raiser who has been indicted in Maryland for allegedly shady business dealings.

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