Date: July 25th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Let's Be Real...They are NOT “News” Networks!

Did you get a chance to watch the Attorney General of the United States get shredded by the Senate Judiciary committee yesterday? Had this session taken place during the 70's every TV network would have halted their regularly scheduled broadcast so that the American public could learn about the shocking criminal behavior of their government. The TV networks would have allowed the American public to watch their Attorney General get nailed for lying to Congress, to the American people and doing everything in his power to help the criminal administration of Dick Cheney and his front man George W. Bush, subvert the laws of our nation.

At one time a hearing like the one I watched yesterday would have jolted the American public into marching on the White House for the purpose of forcibly removing the criminals who have lied to them about virtually everything while assaulting our liberties and eliminating our protection from corporations who are intent on harming us for profit.

Well maybe the major TV networks figured that with 500 or so cable networks they did not have to stop their broadcasts in order to bring this vital information to the American public...especially since we have so called news networks that are there to bring important information to the public 24 hours per day. Well...if you you believe that you would be wrong.

Yesterday was just another example of how the establishment news media in our nation is the greatest enemy to democracy and to the American people. So if you tuned into the evening “news” programs on these networks expecting to see urgent discussions of what has been an unmentioned Constitutional crisis you would have found hour long discussions on another unimportant Hollywood brat who can't control her opulent lifestyle.

First of all it baffles me that Larry King has a program on a network that calls itself a news network. This man has set the world record for unimportance. Actually he may be the most uninformed individual on CNN when it comes to actual news. Larry King's vital topic of the day: Lindsey Lohan! Then you have MSNBC's Dan Abrams. Dan Abrams is not just a program host on MSNBC, he is the head of MSNBC news! His program topic last night...that same sleezebag drunk driving celebrity who can't keep her underwear free legs closed for the paparazzi (look it's true)...Lindsey Lohan. Then again I am not sure who the real sleezbag is in this case; Lohan or Abrams! Think about it! Jesse Richard – Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

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Mutilated,’ ‘Tortured,’ And ‘Unidentified Bodies’ In Baghdad Rise To ‘Pre-Surge Levels’ - But a new report from IraqSlogger reveals that the U.S. presence in Baghdad has shown virtually no progress in stemming the gruesome sectarian death squads pervading the capital.

4 U.S. Troops Among Many Dead in Battles With Taliban - Nearly 100 people, including four U.S. troops, died in clashes in Afghanistan and Pakistan on Monday, military spokesmen said, as security forces battled Taliban fighters in a war that has been gaining intensity on both sides of the border.

Bush Executive Order: Criminalizing the Antiwar Movement - The Executive Order entitled "Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq" provides the President with the authority to confiscate the assets of whoever opposes the US led war.


Is this the real president of the United States?
- He rarely speaks in public and closely guards his privacy. But there's a growing consensus in America that it's Dick Cheney who calls the shots at the White House, on everything from the war in Iraq to climate change policy.
TVNL Comment: Does anyone doubt this?

Report Suggests Laws Broken in Attorney Firings - The report says that Congress's seven-month investigation into the firings raises "serious concerns" that senior White House and Justice Department aides involved in the removal of nine U.S. attorneys last year may have obstructed justice and violated federal statutes that protect civil service employees, prohibit political retaliation against government officials and cover presidential records.

Disfavor for Bush Hits Rare Heights - President Bush is a competitive guy. But this is one contest he would rather lose. With 18 months left in office, he is in the running for most unpopular president in the history of modern polling.

Gonzales Digs a Deeper Hole - Just when it seemed that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' reputation on Capitol Hill couldn't possibly get much worse, he showed up Tuesday for yet another hearing.

Diplomats Received Political Briefings - White House aides have conducted at least half a dozen political briefings for the Bush administration's top diplomats, including a PowerPoint presentation for ambassadors with senior adviser Karl Rove that named Democratic incumbents targeted for defeat in 2008 and a "general political briefing" at the Peace Corps headquarters after the 2002 midterm elections.

Just What the Founders Feared: An Imperial President Goes to War - The Constitution does make the president “commander in chief,” a title President Bush often invokes. But it does not have the sweeping meaning he suggests. The framers took it from the British military, which used it to denote the highest-ranking official in a theater of battle.


Halliburton profit up, shares hit new high
- The company, which opened a headquarters in Dubai this year in an effort to grow its business in the Eastern Hemisphere, noted recent contract wins in India and Malaysia that helped offset weakness in its largest market, North America.

Economist tallies swelling cost of Israel to US - For the first time in many years, Mr. Stauffer has tallied the total cost to the US of its backing of Israel in its drawn-out, violent dispute with the Palestinians. So far, he figures, the bill adds up to more than twice the cost of the Vietnam War.

Gas Prices Rise on Refineries’ Record Failures - Oil refineries across the country have been plagued by a record number of fires, power failures, leaks, spills and breakdowns this year, causing dozens of them to shut down temporarily or trim production. The disruptions are helping to drive gasoline prices to highs not seen since last summer’s records.
TVNL Comment: This is done on purpose. Anything they can do to reduce supply helps raise profits. They sell less for more and still make the same money.

Put-to-Call Ratio at Highest in 12 Years -- Fast Money Folks Not Worried - That is no small thing. The ratio is a key indicator of investor fear that the market will drop. With this kind of information - quite dramatic information - the prudent investor might get out of the market pronto.

9/11 News :

- Demolition sequence can be seen traveling diagonally up 20 floors to the service floors.

9/11 – Fool me once... - There are numerous articles on the internet that suggest Bush and Cheney are planning a “staged” attack, so that they can introduce martial law. One story even goes so far as to say that there will be no election in 2008!

WTC LAWYER THE 'DEVIL'S ADVOCATE' - One of the high-priced lawyers who have sucked $47 million out of the $1 billion World Trade Center insurance fund is infamous for defending companies that manufactured Agent Orange, a pregnancy drug linked to cancer, and defective breast implants.

Cheney Determined To Strike In US With WMD This Summer - The greatest threat now is "a 9/11 occurring with a group of terrorists armed not with airline tickets and box cutters, but with a nuclear weapon in the middle of one of our own cities." -- Dick Cheney on Face the Nation, CBS, April 15, 2007

9/11 Truth: Scott Forbes describes unusual power-downs in WTC - What did the president's brother, Marvin Bush, have to do with security for the World Trade Center Complex and Dulles International Airport on 9/11? Why were there so many power-downs and evacuations in the WTC just prior to 9/11?


Sens. say Gonzales lied - Gonzales struggled under a verbal battering from senators that grew unusually personal as the hearing wore on. Several Democrats directly suggested that the besieged attorney general had lied to the committee, indicating they would scour the record for evidence of official perjury.

Special prosecutor weighed for Gonzales - He would not answer numerous questions, including whether the Bush administration would bar its U.S. attorneys from pursuing contempt charges against current and former White House officials who have defied congressional subpoenas for their testimony.

Senator stumps Gonzales over authority granted to Cheney to intervene in Justice probes - During Tuesday's Senate Judiciary Committee oversight hearing, a freshman Democratic Senator stumped Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on how Vice President Dick Cheney, his chief of staff, and counsel, had been granted authority parallel with the President on intervening in pending matters at the Justice Department.

Leahy, Specter Lay in to Gonzales - If there's been a more brutal treatment of a cabinet official before Congress in recent memory, I haven't seen it.


Vendor Arrested For "Impeach Him" Buttons - McConnell was also warned that he would be arrested if he returned to the market, even though it is public property.

Operation FALCON - The USA is turning into a Police State - Dictatorships require strong centralized authority and the Falcon program is a logical corollary of that ambition. It creates new inroads for Bush to assume greater control over the nationwide police-state apparatus. That alone should be sufficient reason for alarm.

Spitzer’s Staff Misused Police, Report Finds - Gov. Eliot Spitzer indefinitely suspended his communications director and reassigned another top official today after Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo’s office issued a scathing report accusing the governor’s staff of using the State Police for political purposes.

Milwaukee Election Records Indicate Apparent Forgery, Ballot Box Stuffing in 2004 Presidential Election - How is it US Attorney Steven Biskupic missed this? Could he have been looking for voter fraud instead of election fraud?

U.S. dropped Enron-like fraud probe - Two years into a fraud investigation, veteran federal prosecutor David Maguire told colleagues he'd uncovered one of the biggest cases of his career.

DoJ all but ‘operating on autopilot’ - Six top DoJ officials have quit since February, when the sackings of at least nine US attorneys prompted an outcry in Congress. - The remaining top officials, including Alberto Gonzales, attorney-­general, are the subject of multiple investigations by Congress and the DoJ’s inspector-general.

Microchip implants raise privacy concern - But the news that Americans had, for the first time, been injected with electronic identifiers to perform their jobs fired up a debate over the proliferation of ever-more-precise tracking technologies and their ability to erode privacy in the digital age.

Executive Order: Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq - I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, find that, due to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States posed by acts of violence threatening the peace and stability of Iraq and undermining efforts to promote economic reconstruction and political reform in Iraq and to provide humanitarian assistance to the Iraqi people, it is in the interests of the United States to take additional steps with respect to the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13303 of May 22, 2003, and expanded in Executive Order 13315 of August 28, 2003, and relied upon for additional steps taken in Executive Order 13350 of July 29, 2004, and Executive Order 13364 of November 29, 2004. I hereby order:
TVNL Comment: Protest the war...lose your home!


1 in 4 NYC adults have elevated mercury - Rates were higher among more affluent residents compared to those in lower income groups and were high among Asians, who eat more fish, the survey showed.

A disaster to take everyone's breath away - Every day they recede further, like water running slowly out of an immense bathtub, threatening a worldwide catastrophe.

Two months of rain in just one day - "I've never seen anything like it, and I've been in the Met Office for 34 years. It's an extraordinary amount, more like you would expect in a tropical rainforest."

Pesticide trial begins against Dole, Dow - Dole Food Co. knowingly exposed Nicaraguan banana workers three decades ago to a pesticide made by Dow Chemical Co. that caused permanent sterility, an attorney for the men said in opening arguments in Los Angeles County Superior Court.


Mob Wars Hit New Heights in Israel
- When an explosion goes off on a busy Israeli street these days, it seems as likely to be a mob hit as a Palestinian attack.

Turkey's ruling party wins big in parliamentary elections - Poll returns fuel fears that the Islamist-rooted AKP will seek to undermine the nation's secular principles.

Backlash in rich nations against globalisation - Large majorities of people in the US and in Europe want higher taxation for the rich and even pay caps for corporate executives to counter what they believe are unjustified rewards and the negative effects of globalisation.

Brown drops 'war on terror,' redefining the fight - Is the war on terror really a war?

The world after George W. Bush - And when deciding on fateful policies, Bush has often disdained to take into account the cultural and historical conditions specific to key countries. In practice, that attitude has resulted in one calamity after another:

Israel at the ready to invade Gaza Strip - ISRAELI forces have made preparations to invade the Gaza Strip to stop a guerilla build-up by the Palestinian group Hamas but may have only a limited opportunity to stage such an attack, an army commander has said.

Israel’s primal myth: Barrier to Peace - Forget about Hamas, the wall, Gaza and the occupied territories. There can be no peace in the Middle East until Israel and the Palestinians deal with one key issue: the Palestinian demand that Israel recognize their right of return.


Army's 'Debt Of Service' Leaves Vets Perplexed - Unbelievably, Soldiers Must Pay For Damaged Equipment

Waiting To Die: 'Blue Water' Veterans Seek Help - Vietnam War Fighters Suspect Illnesses May Be Linked to Agent Orange

Injured Iraq War Veterans to Sue VA Head - Frustrated by delays in health care, a coalition of injured Iraq war veterans is accusing VA Secretary Jim Nicholson of breaking the law by denying them disability pay and mental health treatment.
TVNL Comment: We have to rely on the international press in order to learn this information.

Army denies Hawaiians access to sacred sites - Long-simmering differences between Native Hawaiians and the military over access to Makua Valley have flared anew, with the Army notifying two prominent groups that they will no longer be allowed access to four sacred sites they've visited in the past.

Navy officer reportedly worked as an escort - The woman who authorities allege ran a prostitution business in the Washington area for 13 years and counted high-profile government officials among her clientele confirmed this week that she employed a female Naval Academy officer as an escort and believes that the woman has agreed to testify against her.

Former Texas exec pleads guilty to military contract kickbacks - A second former executive of a global logistics company has pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court to receiving kickbacks on Iraq war contracts and lying to federal investigators.
TVNL Comment: Put him on the Bush pardon list.


Stealing America - Since then and since the Bush administration took over the country, the matter of stealing the government has become an art form and is still being laughed at. Where is the rage? Where is the anger?

The Case for Not Waiting Out This Presidency - “Impeachment is not a constitutional crisis, impeachment is the cure for a constitutional crisis.”

Facing the Truth - LINK - It’s about time Americans faced the truth.

Thieves, Bastards, Liars And Other Politicians - What is going on in the good old US of A? As Groucho would have said it, "Whatever it is, I'm against it."

Time to Get Angry, America - The video above illustrates how the U.S. government lied to its citizens.
TVNL Comment: It's way way way past the time Americans should have gotten angry!

Impeach Now - Or Face the End of Constitutional Democracy - Unless Congress immediately impeaches Bush and Cheney, a year from now the US could be a dictatorial police state at war with Iran.


Let’s Be Real…They are NOT “News” Networks! - Well maybe the major TV networks figured that with 500 or so cable networks they did not have to stop their broadcasts in order to bring this vital information to the American public…especially since we have so called news networks that are there to bring important information to the public 24 hours per day. Well…if you you believe that you would be wrong.

Paul Jay and The Real TV Mean To Bring Us Video-Based News Without the Government and Corporate Spin - The fundamental goal is to create uncompromising, viewer-funded world news -- video-based world news. We think the big gap in the media landscape is for independent, video-based, daily news service. And by independent, we mean no government funding, no corporate funding, and no advertising.

Robert Fisk: No wonder the bloggers are winning - These gutless papers explain why more people are Googling than turning pages

Letter Sent to Western Media Outlets Asking "Why Aren't You Covering the 6,000 Palestinians Stranded at the Rafah Crossing?" - The following letter was sent to CNN as well as other media outlets. If you are reading here, PLEASE write a letter concerning this matter, the 6000 Palestinians stranded at the Rafah crossing, to news agencies and your Representatives and Senators.

CNN Throws in Towel, Admits to Two Errors, and States That All 'Sicko' Facts Are True to Their Source (or something like that). - The mighty CNN, in a lengthy and sad online defense of their woe-begotten 'Sicko' story of last Monday, has admitted that they did indeed fudge at least two of the facts in their coverage of my film and have apologized for it:


Study: New Rules Led To Medicaid Decline - Medicaid rolls declined in many states after Congress imposed new documentation requirements, but most of the drop-off appears to be among people eligible for coverage _ not illegal immigrants.

FDA pulled reviewer off Glaxo drug - A senior Food and Drug Administration scientist has told congressional investigators that the FDA removed him or her from work on GlaxoSmithKline Plc's drug Avandia after voicing concerns about the safety of the diabetes pill, two senators said on Tuesday.

Kids' soda consumption strongly linked to hyperactivity, mental problems - Researchers used questionnaires to survey 5,547 Norwegian 10th graders about their eating and soda-drinking habits, as well as hyperactivity and conduct problems in school, and mental health indicators such as anxiousness, dizziness, hopelessness, panic, sadness, sleeplessness, tension, unhappiness with themselves and a sense that everything is a burden.
TVNL Comment: I have said this for 20 years. Add diabetes to the list of ills caused by soda.

Low-Key Recall of AIDS Drug Hits World’s Poor - A total recall of an important AIDS drug widely used in developing countries has disrupted treatment for tens of thousands of the world’s poorest patients, with no clear word from the manufacturer on when shipments will resume.

CNN's Sanjay Gupta, Laura Bush and the Marketing of Merck's Gardasil - The vaccine is being touted by Dr. Gupta, First Lady Laura Bush, and nonprofit groups funded by Merck as a means of preventing cervical cancer. In fact, however, its clinical trials never tested for preventing cervical cancer.


'Bush is leading a crusade against us' - "President Bush is leading a new crusade against the Palestinians," Hamas spokesman in Gaza, Sami el-Zuhri, said on Monday night, adding that the group would "neither recognize the occupation nor give up the armed struggle."


Rothschild banking group unifies - THE French and English branches of the fabled Rothschild banking family announced their unification overnight, ending a separation that dates from the 19th century.

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