Date: July 3rd 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: There are No Political Solutions to Criminal Problems

Why do Democrats still talk about impeaching George W. Bush and his Machiavellian Svengali Dick Cheney? Are Democrats so blind as not to realize that the system is broken? Do they really expect a criminally complicit Congress to go after some other criminals in White House? Has this “New Century” not served up sufficient evidence for you proving that we are not participating in any democracy or representative government and that the entire system is a show? Have you not been paying attention to the most obvious conspiracy to deceive the American people about virtually every single important issue by the establishment media?

If the Scooter Libby technical pardon has not slapped your face with enough reality to wake you up, perhaps this will: nothing will become of this egregious abuse of power by George W. Bush, the Junior Soprano figure head to Dick Cheney's Tony Soprano godfather! We may see some posturing, press conferences, useless Congressional resolutions and you may get some “action items” assigned to you by or other gatekeepers, but nothing will happen. What we have here are criminals protecting criminals. The system is broken. None of these people represent you and they are simply pretending to do just enough to keep you from taking up arms and killing them once and for all!

Smell the coffee...the Bush administration is in power thanks to an electoral coup; you know it, Congress knows it, the media knows it and everybody is pretending that this is politics as usual. The people who control our world yanked away every last bit of our democracy with installation of the Bush administration. Gore knew it, Kerry knew it, Edwards knew it, and the media knows it and nobody is going to say a damn thing because the people in charge own all of the above.

First they completely eliminated the risk posed by the Internet of real information bypassing the filter of the establishment media and influencing the citizens into voting for their own candidates, by using every dirty trick from deceptive paper ballots to easily manipulated computer voting machines. Then they scared you into letting them go about with the plans for a “New American Century” by conducting the events of 9/11 under the cloak of the military exercises that “coincidently” took place on the morning of 9/11. Then they laughed in your face as George W. Bush played the Emperor with no cloths as he lied to the world when he said that Saddam had weapons and then lied even more when he said that he had to bomb Iraq because Saddam refused to let the inspectors in; all the while the inspectors were already inspecting!!! The media and politicians still use the justification that Saddam could have avoided war if he had let the inspectors in. THEY WERE IN! EVERYONE KNOWS THAT! DOES THE NAME HANS BLIX RING A BELL? THE MEDIA JUST STAND THERE AND LET THE LIE CONTINUE AS THAT IS THEIR JOB! WHEN WILL AMERICA REALIZE THIS? WHEN WILL AMERICA GET UP AND STORM THE ESTABLISHMENT MEDIA OUTLETS AND QUARTER THE PEOPLE WHO WORK THERE?

You are lied to every single day about almost every single issue. The funny thing is that the truth is not hidden. You just don't believe things unless the people on TV tell you that it is OK. The people who control the media know this! The people who comprise our media and our government are killing with every breath they take and with every word they use to deceive you. Your food, water, air and planet are being murdered forever by these people and you still trust them to keep you safe! OPEN YOUR EYES! THEY ARE KILLING YOU AND MAKING YOU DO NOTHING BUT WORK TO MAKE THEM RICH!

As I write this there is a man at Perdue University who invented a device that allows a car to run on water and you are not allowed to have this and the media won't pay attention to this. Our government is trying to suppress his planet changing invention! As I write this another man sits on an accidentally discovered technology that allows salt water to burn as fuel but you won't be allowed to benefit from this ever! As I write this there are mountains of evidence disproving almost every aspect of the official explanation of 9/11 yet you won't look at it! As I write this there is an illegal private corporation that is not part of our government called the Federal Reserve that has illegally been given the right to create money out of nothing and then charge you and your government interest for borrowing this valueless paper! It was only after this little private bank started charging our government interest that you had to start paying income tax (another illegal reality) just so that you can pay these private bankers and make them the wealthiest people alive! That's why the revolution took get away from taxation without representation! We started this nation to get away from the Bank of England and here we are back with the same ole same ole! And good old Lou Dobbs won't tell this to you...but you can check it out for yourself! Then you can tell me why you should not crack a bat over Lou Dobb's head for leaving that little tidbit out of his daily fight for the rights of the American worker! IT'S A SHOW! IT'S ALL A SHOW! WAKE UP!

Do you get it yet? There are two worlds out there: reality, and the world that the establishment media create and maintain at the behest of the establishment! It's not hard to just have to be willing to look! Will today's news about Libby finally be the kick in the face you people need in order to see what is going on?

Wednesday we will celebrate Independence Day (although most of the clueless Americans think they are celebrating the 4th of July...the holiday is Independence Day!!!) May I be so bold as to say that if we are to survive, a new Independence Day is something that this nation and the world needs disparately! And may I say we start by exposing the media for what they are, the greatest enemy of the American people. By exposing them we render their distractions and delusions useless and then the rest of the criminals will no longer have the cloaking device to protect them from the citizens! Eliminate the cloak of the media and the rest of the criminals shall fall for the people will finally see the truth! Think about it! Jesse Richard – Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!


Afghans demand trial of NATO soldier over shooting
- NATO should put on trial a soldier who fired at civilians, resulting in the deaths of two and wounding of four in Afghanistan's southern Kandahar city, a senior provincial official said on Tuesday.


Hush-Hush: Rove's Security Clearance Renewal
- Did he break trust with President Bush and the nation when he told syndicated columnist Robert D. Novak about Valerie Plame's classified job with the CIA? Did he further erode that trust in 2003 when he told then-White House press secretary Scott McClellan that, as McClellan put it, there was "no truth" to rumors that he played a role in the disclosure of Plame's identity?

Nation needs intervention to get Cheney out of office - With the detailed record that The Washington Post has compiled of Mr. Cheney's extremism, his contempt for the law and constitutional democracy, and his thirst for aggression, the nation no longer can run the risk that he could become president.
TVNL Comment: First of all Cheney IS the president. Second of all we don't need an intervention...we need a revolution!

There are No Political Solutions to Criminal Problems - Smell the coffee…the Bush administration is in power thanks to an electoral coup; you know it, Congress knows it, the media knows it and everybody is pretending that this is politics as usual. The people who control our world yanked away every last bit of our democracy with installation of the Bush administration. Gore knew it, Kerry knew it, Edwards knew it, and the media knows it and nobody is going to say a damn thing because the people in charge own all of the above.

Wilson: Congress Should Investigate Bush's Participation in Obstruction of Justice - "From my viewpoint, the president has stepped in to short circuit the rule of law and the system of justice in our country. In so doing, he has acknowledged Mr. Libby's guilt for, among other things, obstruction of justice, which by definition is covering up for somebody in a crime. By commuting his sentence, he has brought himself and his office into reasonable suspicion of participation in an obstruction of justice. The commutation of (Libby's) sentence in and of itself is participation in obstruction of justice."

Bush spares Libby from 2 1/2-year prison term - Bush's move came hours after a federal appeals panel ruled Libby could not delay his prison term in the CIA leak case. That decision put the pressure on the president, who had been sidestepping calls by Libby's allies to pardon the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney.

Court won't delay Libby prison sentence - Former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby cannot delay his 2 1/2-year prison term in the CIA leak case, a federal appeals court unanimously ruled Monday.


US consumers pay highest energy bills in decades
- Energy is now sucking money out of Americans' bank accounts at a record level — hitting $612 billion at an annual rate in the month of April, the last month of data.
TVNL Comment: We knew this was going to happen as soon as the Bush/Cheney cabal was installed after the 2000 coup.

9/11 News :





Christian Reconstructionists Are Trying to Take Dominion in America -- and They Have Powerful Friends - A recent conference held by American Vision, a radical ministry that toils away to "help Christians build a truly Biblical worldview," displayed the growing organization of the dangerous Reconstructionist movement.

A Rightward Turn and Dissension Define Court This Term - The court's steady and well-documented turn to the right this term came as justices confronted some of the nation's most politically charged issues -- abortion, race, free speech, the death penalty, the separation of church and state.




U.S. out to buff its global image
- Grass-roots diplomatic initiative tackles ill will abroad, but skeptics say much more is needed

Iran, Venezuela in "axis of unity" against U.S - The presidents of Iran and Venezuela launched construction of a joint petrochemical plant on Monday, strengthening an "axis of unity" between two oil-rich nations staunchly opposed to the United States.


Army tournament features chainsaw massacre video game - The Army is sponsoring a tournament featuring one of the most graphically violent video games every produced. Players will be rewarded tens of thousands of dollars in prizes from the military for chainsaw massacres of opponents, whose deaths are stunningly illustrated.


Questions which continue to torment the American soul - Ironically, most of us already know the answers to these questions; however silence here is denial. Only by OPENLY and continuously networking about these "answers" can we hope to save ourselves. This is called publicly staying in touch with reality and the alternative is the certain death of America and the biosphere of the Earth.


The New York Times Coverage of the "Commutation" -- A Travesty of Journalism - Just consider the NYT news angle on the Libby "commutation." It reflects the Rovian developed "spin" from beginning to end. If there were any doubt about the New York Times being a megaphone for the Bush Administration (Rovian) slant on the "commutation" of Libby, one just need look at the two main "news stories" on the front page of the online edition of the NYT and their headlines: Ex-Cheney Aide Still Faces Fines and Probation (as the headline appeared on the front page of the online edition early the morning of July 3)and Commutation Doesn’t Equal a Full PardonArticle
TVNL Comment: It is not a "travesty", it is evidence of a conspiracy.


The false gods of scientific medicine revealed: It's a cult, not a science - Promoters of conventional medicine claim that all the drug marketing, FDA approvals, surgical procedures, chemotherapy and all other treatments are based on "hard science."

Americans flock to Mexico for dentistry - "Dentistas" charge cut rates. Their U.S. counterparts tell horror stories, which are hotly disputed.


Cheney was central voice in torture debate - From that moment, well before previous accounts have suggested, Cheney turned his attention to the practical business of crushing a captive's will to resist. The vice president's office played a central role in shattering limits on coercion in U.S. custody, commissioning and defending legal opinions that the Bush administration has since portrayed as the initiatives, months later, of lower-ranking officials.



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