Date: July 2nd 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Why is Israeli Baseball Being Broadcast on PBS?

I have to admit that I don't watch PBS often but as I was flipping through the channels today I stumbled across something very odd. I turned on my local PBS station and I was stunned to find that a baseball game was being broadcast. I was further stunned when I realized that the game being broadcast was the Israeli baseball league opening game.

Not don't get me wrong, I have nothing against an Israeli sporting event being broadcast in America but I want to know why our public broadcasting network is airing this game. I can not for the life of me remember one sporting event being broadcast on PBS...and I have been watching TV for almost all of my 43 years. Why now...and why an Israeli sports event?

I checked the PBS listings on the web and I could not find another sporting event on their schedule. Not baseball, football, soccer, hockey, tennis, billiards...nothing. I have to admit I am disturbed about this. For the few years I have been reporting on media deception I have steered clear of identifying the culprits behind the scenes. While many people have taken up the cause of exposing the so called Jewish control of the media I have simply pointed out the deception that takes place. I don't spend a lot of time talking about who is driving the manipulation of public perception via media control; I simply point out the obvious deception that takes place. But I'll tell you, when I saw an Israeli baseball game being broadcast on our public broadcast network I could not help but to think about the political appointees within the public broadcast system and about the people who fund the system.

Over the past seven years I have witnessed a cabal of people called neo-conservatives, take over our government. I have watched them deliver a “new Pearl Harbor” to us for their own political purposes. (Yes, after 5 years of research I am convinced that 9/11 was indeed an inside job delivered to us by the people who openly declared they could use such an event to their advantage!) I have watched them drive this country into a war that benefits Israel. I watched them start a global war if you will, that is clearly not in the interest of our nation. I have watched men who have close ties and open commitments to Israel and have clearly dedicated their lives to focus on the interests of Israel virtually take over every important policy making positions in our government. From Elliot Abrams to John Bolton these “Israel First” policy makers have found themselves either controlling or influencing virtually every part of our government including the public broadcasting system. I watch as virtually every member of Congress, and even our local politicians have to swear their blind support towards Israel or risk losing their jobs. Today this influence became painfully obvious to me. In my mind what I witnessed was a tax payer funded public relations attempt to heal the horrible public image Israel has gained thanks to the information shared on the Internet.

Maybe I am wrong. Maybe while I was looking the other way PBS has become a sports network. Can anyone out there help me out? Can anyone tell me about some other sporting events that you have seen on public TV? I am not talking about public access TV, I am talking about government and public funded TV. Let me know...maybe my concern is for nothing here.

Today was the first time I asked myself if it actually time for me to to pay a little attention to the perpetrators of media deception and control and not just to the deception itself. Think about it. Jesse Richard – Editor,

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Kurd rebels said quitting Iraq camps due Turk threat
- Four ex-members of Turkey's outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) said on Sunday the guerrillas were vacating camps in northern Iraq due to fear of a possible incursion into the area by Turkish troops.

Australia plans to withdraw troops from Iraq: report - Australia has about 1,500 soldiers, sailors and airmen in and around Iraq.

In Iraq, a Private Realm Of Intelligence-Gathering - The intelligence was compiled not by the U.S. military, as might be expected, but by a British security firm, Aegis Defence Services Ltd. The Reconstruction Operations Center is the hub of Aegis's sprawling presence in Iraq and the most visible example of how intelligence collection is now among the responsibilities handled by a network of private security companies that work in the shadows of the U.S. military.

Iraq: EFP kills 1 US soldier, wounds 3 in southern Baghdad - One U.S. soldier was killed and three wounded when an explosively-formed penetrator hit their combat patrol in southern Baghdad, the military said Saturday.

Turkey warns of plans to invade northern Iraq - Turkey has prepared a blueprint for the invasion of northern Iraq and will take action if US or Iraqi forces fail to dislodge the guerrillas of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) from their mountain strongholds across the border, Turkey's foreign minister Abdullah Gul has warned.

Worst 3 months for U.S. in Iraq since war began - The toll for the past three months — 329 — made it the deadliest quarter for U.S. troops in Iraq since the March 2003 invasion. Five U.S. soldiers killed in Baghdad bomb blast - Five U.S. soldiers were killed on Thursday in a roadside bomb attack on their patrol in Baghdad, the U.S. military said on Friday, bringing the monthly death toll for U.S. forces in Iraq close to 100.

U.S. Shields an Accused Iraqi Killer - The American Embassy in Baghdad is offering de facto protection to the Iraqi culture minister, who an Iraqi judge this week charged with the attempted murder of a fellow parliamentarian, Mithal al-Alusi.


How Cheney abused his power in war on terror
- Even his supporters admitted that the disclosures have left Mr Cheney looking like a "comic-book villain" whose contempt for process, including within the White House, has undermined public support for President Bush.

A President Besieged and Isolated, Yet at Ease - How will history judge what we've done? Why does the rest of the world seem to hate America? Or is it just me they hate?

GOP links to vote-fraud push - Two nonprofits had a major role in Republican electoral strategy that included lobbying U.S. attorneys over alleged fraud in voter rolls.

Washington's Zelig - A longtime confidant of the Bush and Cheney families describes the dangerous influence of the vice president.

Justice Department Official Resigns - A Justice Department official who was eyed as a possible replacement for one of several fired U.S. attorneys announced her resignation Friday.

Impeach Cheney - The vice president has run utterly amok and must be stopped.

White House refuses to answer subpoenas - Constitutional showdown possible over firing of federal prosecutors


Layoff fears part of 'new normal'
- Affluence, college education no protection from job market that cycles quickly through workers

Century-Old Ban Lifted on Minimum Retail Pricing - Five justices, agreeing with the nation’s major manufacturers, said the new rule could in some instances lead to more competition and better service. But four dissenting justices agreed with 37 states and some consumer groups that abandoning the old rule could result in significantly higher prices and less competition for consumer and other goods.
TVNL Comment: The corporate takeover of the US continues. This will help put all the smaller stores out of business leading to no competition, monopolies and unlimited price gouging. Are the Bush supporters happy yet?

9/11 News :

Scottish Panel Challenges Lockerbie Conviction
- LINK - A Scottish judicial review body ruled Thursday that a former Libyan intelligence official jailed for the 1988 Lockerbie bombing might have been wrongfully convicted and was entitled to appeal the verdict against him.


Patrick Leahy ready to fight White House - The Senate Judiciary Committee chairman said Sunday he was ready to go to court if the White House resisted congressional subpoenas for information on the firing of federal prosecutors.

Contempt of Congress - The best way to enforce the rule of law is by issuing a Contempt of Congress citation.

Lieberman calls for wider use of surveillance cameras - Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.), the chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, said Sunday he wants to “more widely” use surveillance cameras across the country.

Congress about to "Just say yes" to Permanent Secret Vote Counting - Centralized control of voting is a form of tyranny, pure and simple. Joseph Stalin is said to have explained why: "Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything." Meet the New Boss Congress is about to pass an election "reform" bill, HR811 (the Holt Bill). The bill will enshrine secret computerized vote counting, controlled by the White House.

House Rejects Bid to Withhold Cheney's Funds - The House voted yesterday to allow Vice President Cheney to keep his house, entertainment budget and sundry other entertainments, when a measure to withhold the money to pay for them failed.
TVNL Comment: One big crime family working together. These guys are surely worth starting a new revolution over.

House Proposes Ban on Fairness Doctrine Funding - The House of Representatives moved today to ban the Federal Communications Commission from reviving the Fairness Doctrine, which required broadcasters to offer competing viewpoints in a balanced manner when presenting controversial issues.

Pelosi on Bush: “He’s not worth impeaching” - Pelosi’s argument against impeachment was, simply, that it wouldn’t be worth expending the political capital and effort to push the process forward.
TVNL Comment: Political capital? What about her political responsibility?

Iraqis deploying more lobbyists - The Iraqi clients have paid representatives more than $16.7 million through January — more than 10 times the amount Iraqi opposition groups paid during the 12 years before the invasion. Activities reported include not only Washington lobbying but legal work, advertising and public relations.


Demonstrators march in Kennebunkport to protest Bush-Putin meeting - Several hundred demonstrators gathered Sunday on the day of Russian President Vladimir Putin's summit meeting with President George W. Bush to attack both leaders — Bush for the war in Iraq and Putin for his crackdown in the breakaway region of Chechnya.

New York Moves To Ban Public Filming And Photography - With vague reasoning and little explanation, moves are afoot in the city of New York to stamp out all forms of filming in public, be it by professional television crews, protestors or simply by tourists on sightseeing trips.

FBI Whistleblower Describes Government Muscle Tactics - A whistleblower who lost her job and was gagged by the Bush administration after revealing careerism, corruption and widespread incompetence at the FBI detailed her difficult search for justice to an audience on Monday at the American Library Association’s annual conference.




Pakistan Eases Curbs on A.Q. Khan
- Authorities have eased the virtual house arrest imposed on A.Q. Khan, the disgraced scientist who sold Pakistan's nuclear secrets to Iran, North Korea and Libya, officials said Monday.

Third of Europe see US as threat to stability: poll - More Europeans see the United States as a threat to global stability than Iran and North Korea combined, according to a poll published Monday.

Castro Reacts to C.I.A. Documents - "I think that this action could be an attempt ... to make people believe that these methods belong to another era and are no longer used," Castro wrote in an editorial published by the communist country's official media. "Everything described in the documents is still being done, only in a more brutal manner around the entire planet, including an increasing number of illegal actions in the very United States."
TVNL Comment: Finally somebody said it!

U.S. Diplomat Missing in Cyprus - Neither the police nor the embassy specified his role at the embassy, but a Lt. Col. Thomas Mooney is the embassy's military attache.

Taliban Spreading, Pakistani President Is Warned - The Pakistani president, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, was warned this month that Islamic militants and Taliban fighters were rapidly spreading beyond the country’s lawless tribal areas and that without “swift and decisive action,” the growing militancy could engulf the rest of the country.

Israel President to Quit in Plea Bargain - Israeli President Moshe Katsav agreed to resign Thursday in a plea bargain that drops rape allegations and the threat of jail time in return for pleading guilty to lesser charges.


Carlyle makes Virgin Media bid - Private equity firm Carlyle Group has made a preliminary offer for cable TV company Virgin Media, in a deal that could reach around $20bn (£9.95bn), according to reports from the US overnight.
TVNL Comment: Do you know who these people are? You should!

Two US soldiers charged with premeditated murder of three Iraqis... - The military says the two were involved in three separate killings since April near a city south of Baghdad.


Progressive Daily Beacon Opinion Piece - Over at FOX News, Bill O'Reilly has taken to making up outrageously absurd stories about raping, plundering, and pillaging pink pistol-toting lesbians who are taking over entire cities and invading nearly every school in America. The whole thing was so completely ridiculous that O'Reilly could only barely stop himself from collapsing into hysterical laughter.

Mcmansions, SUVs, Mega-Churches and the Baghdad Embassy: Life Among Dim and Brutal Giants - Concurrently, in Baghdad, the U.S. embassy, which, when completed, will be the largest “diplomatic” compound on the planet is, in fact, an inadvertent monument to the mindless colossus the U.S.A. has become.

Remember, the CIA Only Did Bad Things a Long Time Ago! - Sure, the CIA is involved in a few “controversies,” but certainly noting serious such as:


Why is Israeli Baseball Being Broadcast on PBS? - In my mind what I witnessed was a tax payer funded public relations attempt to heal the horrible public image Israel has gained thanks to the information shared on the Internet.

Reporter sanctioned for approaching Bush - In the run-up to the Fourth of July, you can't ask the leader of the free world even an innocuous question without having your press credential quickly taken away.

Undercover, under fire - The Washington press corps is too busy cozying up to the people it covers to get at the truth.

AP Reveals Israeli Censorship, Says It Will Abide By Rules - Reporters are expected to censor themselves and not report any of the forbidden material.

Time for an Ann Coulter Ban - Aside from the fact that many believe her to be a raving lunatic, now she's all but threatened the life of a presidential candidate.

Wall Street Journal reporters stage ‘walk-out.’ - WSJ reporters “across the country chose not to show up to work this morning” to protest the potential sale of Dow Jones to Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation. The paper’s “long tradition of independence…is threatened today,” a press release states.


Just one night in smoky bar can be toxic - Study finds carcinogen in nonsmoking workers after brief exposure


PEACE LOVING ISRAELI OCCUPATION - Presented here are six videos that will not be screened on American or British televisions. Nor will they be shown in the Cinema Houses there. Six videos that document the horrors of the Israeli Occupation.

30 Afghans Killed, Wounded in Airstrikes - U.S.-led coalition airstrikes in southern Afghanistan left at least 30 people, including women and children, killed or wounded, an official said Saturday.

Residents Say 17 Killed by U.S. Were Not Insurgents - The U.S. military is investigating the killings of 17 people in a U.S. helicopter attack north of Baghdad a week ago, after residents of the area complained that the victims were not fighters from the group al-Qaeda in Iraq, as the military originally claimed, but members of a village guard force and ordinary citizens.


Dead ‘Mossad spy’ was writing exposé - AN Egyptian millionaire who mysteriously fell to his death from the balcony of his London flat after being named as a Mossad spy was writing a book that threatened to expose the murky world of Arab-Israeli espionage.

Oswald 'had no time to fire all Kennedy bullets' - Lee Harvey Oswald could not have acted alone in assassinating President John F Kennedy, according to a new study by Italian weapons experts of the type of rifle Oswald used in the shootings.

Jon Matthews, Right-wing Houston Radio Host gets 3 Years in Prison - The star of Houston's 24/7 Right-wing line up on Christian owned KSEV, this Law & Order advocate was recently sentenced to 3 years in prison for breaking his probation from a 2004 conviction of exposing himself to an 11 year old girl.

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