The Theft of Your Vote Is Just a Chip Away


Republicans would have carried the day had not poll workers become suspicious when the computerized vote-reading machines said the Republican candidate was trouncing his incumbent Democratic opponent in the race for County Commissioner. The poll workers were close enough to the electorate -- they were part of the electorate -- to know their county overwhelmingly favored the Democratic incumbent.

A quick hand recount of the optical-scan ballots showed that the Democrat had indeed won, even though the computerized ballot-scanning machine kept giving the race to the Republican. The poll workers brought the discrepancy to the attention of the County Clerk, who notified the voting machine company.

TVNL Comment: It has been shown that Bush never won a presidential election. He occupies the White House as an enemy of the state. His occupancy is the result of a well orchestrated coup. He should be tried, and hanged.
