Ketanji Brown Jackson confirmed as first Black woman on US supreme court


Ketanji Brown JacksonThe president of the national association for the advancement of colored people (NAACP) Derrick Johnson has welcomed Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation to the supreme court.

“In 2022, the first Black woman will finally sit on America’s supreme court. It has taken far too long, but President Biden promised and delivered,” he said in a statement.

“Former NAACP Chief Counsel Thurgood Marshall broke down the wall when he was nominated and confirmed as the first Black American to sit on the Supreme Court. Today, Ketanji Brown Jackson shattered the glass ceiling.

“While history has been made today, the unjust hurdles Black women like Ketanji Brown Jackson face each and every day were centerstage throughout the hearing process. The racist attacks were disgusting and shameful, but, as Black women do, Ketanji Brown Jackson outshined the hate. Today and every day, we celebrate Black women.
