The Fake Catch-22 of Drone-War Apologists


dronesThere's a Columbia University grad who runs a Tumblr I follow called "The Political Breakdown." I can't remember why I started reading it, but I am glad I did. I am glad because of the post, "Breakdown: The Truth about Drone Strikes."

What I love about it is how perfectly it captures the mindset of apologists for President Obama's drone war. The approach the blog takes is to summarize all the facts about a controversy. The summary on drones is pretty good. The anonymous author cites many of the same excellent sources that I rely upon, has a similar understanding of the facts, and reaches a conclusion that leaves me flabbergasted.

Could I take you through it?

While summarizing the facts, the author neutrally states five things that cast America's drone war in a negative light:

"Much of what we know is pieces from conjecture, comments, anonymous sources, and a good deal of guessing thrown in."

"Though the legality is questionable, it isn't stopping the United States. What's more, there is no congressional oversight to the drone strikes."
