Remembering the LIES that led to war against Iraq: Nine years after SHOCK AND AWE



Today is the ninth anniversary of the devastating saturation bombing, by the US, of Baghdad, a city that was home to nearly 6 million Iraqis . This strategy, labeled SHOCK and AWE, was designed to rapidly overwhelm the Iraqis so that they could not possibly mount a defense against the terrifying might of the US military.

What followed was the illegal, immoral, and horrific invasion of Iraq, a nation that never at any time had posed a threat to the United States. The next eight years of senseless war were based on a series of lies created and repeated by the Bush/Cheney regime and its PNAC members. These lies were designed to convince the American people that Saddam Hussein was an imminent threat to their lives.

The fabrications were accepted without challenge by the corporate media nationwide, and were systematically drummed into the national consciousness  on a daily basis.  To this day, the lies have not been publicly acknowledged.

For those who have forgotten, or those who never knew, we suggest that you learn the truth, even at this late date. came into being as result of the lies that were being spread by the media, so that documented truth could be accessed by those who sought it.

Today, we remind our readers that we revealed the lies as they were being told.  Here is a compendium of the relentless lies by the Bush/PNAC administration related to the invasion of Iraq, as sold to America by the corporate media.:

Click here for the Bush Administration’s Lies About Iraq: