Israel dismisses warnings from US about attacking Iran


Israel’s foreign minister on Wednesday said it's not the business of the United States whether his country decides to attack Iran.

“It is not their business,” Lieberman said in an interview with an Israeli TV station Wednesday, according to The Associated Press.

“The security of the citizens of Israel, the future of the state of Israel, this is the Israeli government’s responsibility,” he said.

TVNL Comment:  Lieberman is 100% correct, the security of the citizens of Israel, the future of the state of Israel, this is the Israeli government’s responsibility, In that case the US should cut off ALL support funding for Israel's defense. Right? What nerve...they can take $billions in defense funding "assistance" from the US and then issue a comment like that. What nerve. Any other nation would be cut off and US population would be outraged. It IS our buiness to had over $billions for defense but how they use it is non of our business. How does the American public put up with this?
