After slamming prosecutors and judge, Trump turns ire on jurors in Stone case


Roger Stone jurors target of crazy TrumpAfter chastising the prosecutors and judge in the trial of his longtime adviser Roger Stone, President Donald Trump on Thursday criticized the jury that convicted the veteran Republican operative, raising further concerns about political interference in the U.S. judicial system.

On Twitter, Trump referred to a Fox News story that accused some of the jurors in the case of political bias. “This is not looking good for the ‘Justice’ Department,” Trump tweeted.

Trump early on Tuesday criticized U.S. prosecutors who recommended a prison sentence of seven to nine years for Stone, whose friendship with the Republican president dates back decades. He called their sentencing recommendation “horrible” and a “miscarriage of justice.”

TVNL Comment: Separation of Powers, Mr. Trump.  It's in the US Constitution.  Try reading some of it.
