Trump Fails To Correct Birther Who Wants To 'Get Rid' Of Muslims


Trump still a birtherDonald Trump on Thursday fielded a question from a New Hampshire man alleging that President Barack Obama is a Muslim and was not born in the United States. In the process, the reality television star and real estate mogul proved that he himself still believes those falsehoods.

"We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims. We know our current president is one," the man told Trump.

"You know he's not even an American. We have training camps growing where they want to kill us. That's my question. When can we get rid of them?" he asked.

Speaking at a rally in the Granite State, Trump seemed to agree with the man and praised his question.

TVNL Comment:  Mexicans, Asians, now Muslims.  Which group will Donald alienate next?  This is the man who would be president.  What a sad joke.
