Bernie Sanders Sees Growing National Support, Boost In New Hampshire Polls


Bernie SandersSen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is surging across the country, as his improbable bid for the Democratic nomination for president draws ever-larger crowds in critical early states. Growing from the hundreds to the thousands to the tens of thousands, the audience size has been matched with some key endorsements, including the 185,000-member National Nurses United this week.

The union's executive director, RoseAnn DeMoro, told The Huffington Post that Sanders had earned the support of NNU's board and had won by a wide margin in a poll of membership.

"We were stunned by the results," DeMoro said. "It was so overwhelming for Bernie Sanders."

Now, the enthusiasm for Sanders' campaign is also reflected in at least one new survey, which shows him for the first time pulling slightly ahead of Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire's Democratic primary.
