US politicians support Israel's massacre of US citizens


USS LibertyWhile the rest of the world was outraged Many prominent American Politicians of both parties have endorsed the attack even though it was known that there were American on board who posed no security threat to Israel what so ever. Both Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich who are considered leading candidates for the Republican nomination for president in 2012 endorsed the attack.

Sarah Palin posted on her personal Facebook that "as far too many in the media, and in various governments, rush to condemn Israel, we must put the recent events off Israel's coast into the right perspective," she writes. "This 'relief' convoy was not about humanitarian aid, as the liberal mainstream media keeps reporting. The whole operation was designed to provoke Israel, not to provide supplies to Palestinians held hostage by Hamas terrorists in Gaza. Anyone who sees the video of Israeli commandos being attacked as they land on that ship knows the people aboard were vicious thugs, not 'peace activists.' The media insults our intelligence with their outright mischaracterization of who these enemies are."

Newt Gingrich told Politico that "The U.S., through the United Nations relief organization, has been funding food and shelter for the people of Gaza for 60 years now. There was no humanitarian crisis; this was a deliberate political effort on the part of people who want to try to undermine the survival of Israel." Newt however leaves out that their is an Israeli blockade on Gaza and it is absurd to claim the activist were aiding terrorism when they were transporting humanitarian supplies.

TVNL Comment: See also...USS Liberty incident.
