Tenn. senator has affair with intern, resigns


The Tennessee state senator said he was opposed to sex outside marriage, but his private life told a different story: He was having an affair with his 22-year-old intern.

When an extortion plot exposed married Republican Sen. Paul Stanley's illicit relationship, he said he would be "clearing up" misimpressions later. He's now clearing out his office, the latest politician caught in a sex scandal, this one made worse by not coming clean.

"If you can't explain what you've done to your constituents in 30 seconds or less in a way they would accept, then don't do it," said Bruce Oppenheimer, a political science professor at Vanderbilt University. "It's amazing how many elected officials violate that very important conventional wisdom."

TVNL Comment: Isn't it about time policians stop talking about anything related to personal life? Haven't these people shown that they are in no way shape or form qualified to make decisions on how we the people should or could live our personal lives. From marriage to sex, these people never practice what they preach. Yet the people keep supporting them. Amazing.
