Mexican Earthquake Coincides With Drill Based Around Exact Same Scenario


Fears amongst some that governments are experimenting with technology that can trigger seismic events have heightened following the bizarre occurrence of yesterday’s Mexican earthquake coinciding with a government drill that was scheduled to take place at precisely the same time simulating an earthquake of the exact same magnitude.

The bizarre coincidence has prompted claims that the event could have been a seismic experiment.

The fact that governments have access to seismic-triggering technology is not a conspiracy theory, it’s a scientific fact.

Weather modification expert Ben Livingston, a former Navy Physicist who briefed President Lyndon B. Johnson on the effectiveness of weather control back in the 1960′s during the Vietnam era, has documented that as far back as the early 1950′s the United States was funneling money into programs aimed at using the weather as a weapon during the cold war.
