Bradley Manning's sentence: 35 years for exposing us to the truth


Bradley ManningAs of today, Wednesday 21 August 2013, Bradley Manning has served 1,182 days in prison. He should be released with a sentence of time served. Instead, the judge in his court martial at Fort Meade, Maryland has handed down a sentence of 35 years.

Of course, a humane, reasonable sentence of time served was never going to happen. This trial has, since day one, been held in a kangaroo court. That is not angry rhetoric; the reason I am forced to frame it in that way is because President Obama made the following statements on record, before the trial even started:

TVNL Comment: This is breaking news.  It is also a black mark on our system of  military 'justice.'  Despite their crimes, George Bush, Dick Cheney and their murderous cohorts go free, while a man who dared to reveal the atrocities committed by his own country is imprisioned. 
