Glenn Beck - Disinformation Weasel Boy


For those of you that are veterans in the “Information Wars” you will recall that in 2007 Glenn Beck equated Ron Paul supporters with terrorists and people “like Timothy McVeigh.”

Now our “great friend of Liberty” Glenn Beck is telling us that there is no such thing as FEMA camps, and that it is completely debunked - his chief source of information - “Popular Mechanics” the Hearst publication.  If you look up “Yellow Journalism” in Wikipedia- you will learn all about how Hearst Publications operate.


I personally detest Glenn Beck; his smarmy “sincerity” and his sudden advocacy as a defender of Liberty strike me as opportunism at best and Machiavellian at worst.  In my studied opinion, and with full consideration that his employer is the propaganda organ called “Fox News” - I believe Glenn Beck to be an evil, manipulative, weasel-boy serving his corporate masters as he seeks to co-opt the REAL liberty and truth movement.

DO NOT BELIEVE THE HYPE!  He is a fraud….and worse than a total liar!  He gives half-truths to deflect the peoples anger and their actions away from the real perpetrators of our subjugation.
