Hiding The Truth In Plain Sight


The isolated people within the mainstream media who tell a lot of truth about geo-politics make me nervous.  They may well be working with and serving the interests of the NWO by telling truth so as to gauge public response to it.  This truth telling can also serve to vicariously vent and thereby diffuse any emotions from among the portion of the public that still thinks and could potentially initiate real revolt against increasingly oppressive government.

Three truth-tellers that come to mind are Lou Dobbs (CNN), Keith Olbermann (MSNBC), and Glen Beck (FOX). They work for the major media propaganda machines, and yet they tell a lot of truth. Very suspicious, isn't it?! Why would their pro-NWO bosses let them get away with such revelations? Primarily because the NWO people are smart enough to know the masses never respond to truth, so they don't fear its broadcast. They are essentially hiding the truth right out in the open where it's safe.
