'Radiation is good for you,' says Ann Coulter as she weighs in on Japan's nuclear crisis


Conservative maverick Ann Coulter has poured scorn on growing fears over the fallout from Japan’s nuclear crisis by claiming that ‘radiation is good for you.’

The right wing commentator was attempting to quell concern that a radiation plume was due to hit America’s West Coast today after travelling 5,000 miles across the Pacific Ocean from the damaged reactor at Fukishima.

‘There is a growing body of evidence that radiation in excess of what the government says are the minimum amounts we should be exposed to are actually good for you and reduce cases of cancer,’ she told Fox News TV host Bill O’Reilly.

Coulter pointed to articles in the New York Times and The Times of London to back up her argument.

‘So we should all be heading for the nuclear reactor leaking and kind of sunbathing,’ joked O’Reilly.

Coulter was speaking after writing a column on her website titled, ‘A Glowing Report on Radiation.’

TVNL Comment: We suppose you can call this "political" science.
