US TV host: 'Grateful' earthquake death toll is worse than economic toll


A TV and radio host shocked viewers when he said the human toll caused by the widespread death and destruction of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami was worse than the toll on the economy 'and we can be grateful for that'.

In the wake of devastation which has seen thousands lose their lives following the 9.0 magnitude quake, CNBC's Larry Kudlow said: 'The human toll here looks to be much worse than the economic toll, and we can be grateful for that.'

He later apologized on Twitter, saying on Friday: 'I did not mean to say human toll in Japan less important than economic toll.Talking about markets.I flubbed the line. Sincere apology.'

TVNL Comment: He did not flub the line. People who claim to support "democracy" actually support "capitalism", and capitalists would stand by the original statement. Money is the only thing they value. That is why we even have nuclear power plants...because the economic value of nuclear energy outweighs the risk of destroying life on a mass scale. And by economic value we do not mean affordable energy for the people, we mean profits for the capitalists.
