US Quietly Breaks UN Treaty


The treaty is the "supreme law of the land" under the US Constitution, article 6, clause 2. Every nation that signed the treaty (one hundred seventy-seven) was charged with giving a national report on such basic areas of discrimination as health care, education and prison terms. According to the Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute and the National Lawyers Guild, the United States on Friday presented a report to the United Nations Committee, never mentioning Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo or the behavior of US corporations working under US military contracts.

TVNL Comment: The term "quietly" can be directly translated into an accusation of media complicity to not report. In other words when the government does something in full view of the world and it is not reported you can say they did it quietly, without the media reporting it. It is one thing when the government does things out of sight. But when they do things for all to see, and the media does not report it, there is no other way to describe it other than to call it a conspiracy among the media to not report. This in essence makes them complicit.
