U.S. offers incentives to Israelis to halt settlements for 90 days


A senior U.S. administration official said Friday that while talks between U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Netanyahu on Thursday were substantive, there were no breakthroughs.

Another U.S. official said that the prime minister isn't budging on settlements in a way that will satisfy Palestinians, who broke off the peace talks when Israeli resumed settlement construction in late September.

TVNL Comment: Israel continues to break international laws, commit atrocities, discriminate based on ethnicity and religion, and we keep increasing our aid to them, and we bribe them to be good for short periods of time. Israel is the bully who who lives down the block. That bully terrorizes all the other kids on the block...and your dad pays him allowance...and that allowance is more than yours. And the kids he beats up...get angry and beat you up all the time. And you say nothing about the real problem.
