Fragments of foreign DNA and other substances from vaccinations found in sick, disabled and dying children


This week an important paper by Leslie Carol Botha hit the Internet by storm. This revolutionary paper titled Unveiling the Culprit - Is Foreign DNA Contamination the Autistic Villain behind Biologic Vaccine Injuries, is one of the first papers to discuss various foreign DNA fragments being discovered in sick, disabled and dying children after they have received various childhood vaccinations.

Over the past six years, Ms Botha has been heavily involved and dedicated to using her print and broadcast experience to share information with the public about the potential dangers of the HPV vaccines. She is a member of TruthAboutGardasil and is one of six women who, in March 2010, presented research and data to the FDA on the alarming statistics of Gardasil and Cervarix deaths, injuries and harm in comparison to other vaccines. She was also a founding member and the former Vice President of Public Relations for S.A.N.E. Vax, Inc organization dedicated to educating the public about the safety and efficacy of vaccinations. In March of 2010, Botha was an invited speaker at the British Society for Ecological Medicine Conference in London where she presented science-based information and research on the dangers of the HPV vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix. Ms Botha is currently the Women's Health Freedom Coalition Coordinator for the Natural Solutions Foundation.

Botha says that according to a supporting document written by the Coalition of Vaccine Safety, the presence of dormant and relict viral sequences in the human and other animal genomes has been known for at least 20 years. These include human retroviral sequences that have been identified in live viral vaccines grown in human cells.
