Western Lifestyle to Surge Global Cancer Rates by 75% Come 2030


According to new research, it is projected that global cancer rates will increase by 75 percent come 2030 based on current trends. It is well documented that the Western lifestyle, drowning in poor eating habits, excess drinking, and habitual smoking, is one of the worst lifestyles for your health, but it seems that many developing countries are adopting this lifestyle.

Conducted by scientists at the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon France, and the American Cancer Society, the researchers estimated that 22.2 million new cancer cases would appear in 184 different countries by 2030 – an increase based on current cancer trends, demographic projections and how the transition into the Western lifestyle will breed cancer in developing countries and other nations. The 22.2 million estimate is up from the estimated 12.7 cancer cases in 2008.

The good news is that this massive increase in cancer rates does not need to occur – and even current cancer rates can be slashed by at least 50 percent with dietary and lifestyle changes. It is important that individuals become aware of the fact that natural solutions do in fact exist, but prevention is always a much simpler solution. So how can cancer rates be drastically slashed? Fructose is consistently being found to play a significant role in the development and spread of cancer, so fructose consumption should be greatly limited. In additiona, virtually all processed food, fast food, and junk food consumption should be halted if not severely limited. If you want to go the extra mile, which quite frankly is becoming more and more of a necessity for good health, begin eating all organic foods over foods offered by multi-national corporations.
