WARNING: New Evidence Shows Mercury Present in Nearly ALL Fish


According to a new U.S. Geological Survey study, scientists detected mercury contamination in every fish sampled in nearly 300 streams across the United States.

More than a quarter of these fish were found to contain mercury at levels exceeding the criterion for the protection of people who consume average amounts of fish, established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. More than two-thirds of the fish exceeded the U.S. EPA level of concern for fish-eating mammals.

Exposure to mercury can damage your brain, kidney and lungs. Symptoms of mercury poisoning typically include sensory impairment, disturbed sensation and a lack of coordination.

TVNL Comment: A great deal of this poison comes from coal burning power plants, yet members of Congress are pushing for more of these poison factories. The Bush administration rolled back Clinton era regulations requiring the existing coal burning plants to install cleaner technology as their parts and equipment aged and needed replacement. The Bush administration diluted the regulations to a point that it would be virtually impossible to meet the criteria that would require these plants to install the cleaner technology. Still think Bush kept you safe? He killed you, slowly, but surely, he killed us all.
