“Japan is in the Process of Contaminating the Entire Pacific Ocean”


I wish everything I am reporting on were not true, or at least were less true than it appears. It does seem that Japan is in the process of contaminating the entire Pacific Ocean via continued uncontrolled releases of radioactivity at Fukushima.

Most Americans have no idea what is happening. But within days of the accident at Fukushima radioactive contaminants were detected at monitoring stations in the Pacific Coast states.

Many of these people are riding around in limos today very happy with their luxurious lifestyle as the planet quickly becomes more contaminated.

Human stupidity and arrogance has really boomeranged on us in the arena of nuclear power.

It is extremely difficult and painful to entertain the thought that the future of the northern hemisphere—and perhaps even the habitability of the entire planet—is being brought into question. I am not a lone wolf saying this anymore for the story has touched the edge of the mainstream.
