Why is the world rushing headlong into Environmental Armageddon?


Is there any doubt that planet Earth has been undergoing an environmental armageddon for decades?  We are not just referring to the spate of oil spills all over the world such as the BP Gulf Oil Spill, or the many other toxic deluges which go unreported unlike the Hungary Toxic Sludge Disaster, or the ongoing destruction of the world’s rainforests like those being systematically wiped out in the Amazon Basin.  We are also alluding to the “unseen” worldwide chemical apocalypse, the global proliferation of electro-pollution (EMR), the major uptick in man-made geopathic stress events on both the micro and macro levels, as well as the relentless contamination of living environments throughout the planet with radioactivity.

May we speak plainly about the awesome challenges which humanity is now facing?  Truly, the fate of the planet lies in the balance at this great juncture between the ages.  The future of humanity is being determined every moment by the collective consciousness and actions of every resident of planet Earth.  As a race, there can be no doubt that we have veered way off the straight and narrow, and have been going in a dangerous direction since the beginning of the industrial revolution.  We now “sit in the stink” of all the misguided foundational paradigms, which were laid down throughout this age of commerce and industry.
