Illuminati's Biggest Crime? Suppressing Tesla Technology


Not only did the so called Illuminati (industrialist-banking cabal) steal this "aether physics"-technology, they also changed the "human knowledge of physics", replacing the knowledge of this aether-cosmos with Einstein's theories, now promoted everywhere. name few benefiting from this theft.

... Oil & energy, steel and other natural resources, railroads, ship yards, aviation, car industry, spare parts, logistics, banking & finance, war industrial complex ..are some of the reasons to steal  and keep this technology hidden.

The official excuse behind this technology theft by this industrialist-banking cabal would be, of course; "In the interest of national security" .."if Al CIA-da  got hold of these..".

Hiding this technology "for national security" has cost humanity trillions and trillions of dollars and wrecked the health of humanity and the planet.
