Anatomy Of The Plot To Kill The Nation


The planning for the creation of the current Empire began with the public murder of the Republic that started with the swearing-in of Gerald R. Ford on August 9, 1974. That was almost 28 years before September 11, 2001. Ford brought many of the players, from the current Nest of Vipers into the US Government for the first time; including Dick Cheney, as Ford-the-puppet began this final scene in
'The Death of this Republic.'

When we look back over the political lives of Cheney & Rumsfeld, along with the other 'crazies' that have been with us since Ford opened the flood gates of this continuing treason against us all ­ it's easy to see how our defenses were destroyed, one-by-one. With George Bush Sr. in charge of the CIA massive amounts of damning evidence disappeared in government shredders; while the public was focused on things like the abuses of power that surrounded the whole of the Nixon administration. The Empire began to perfect this idea of pointing one way while they acted on the exact opposite of what they demanded that the public be concerned with.
