What Is Left?


Who will weep for our lost Nation? How many citizens will cry in anguish for our republic, devastated and destroyed by an elite group of insiders who, bit by bit, through stealth, lies, deceit, chicanery, and outright criminal fraud have wrecked Constitutional havoc. Checks and balances are gone. Congress is bought and sold by corporate lobbyists. Congress no longer works for us. The judiciary, packed with neocons, then shoves new "legal interpretations" down our own throats or disregards time-honored ones. Our country is no longer "we, the people." Now, it is "we, the corporations." Is this not fascism?

Aided and abetted by a corporate-controlled media, American sheople have bought into the Electronic Age's Orwellian doublethink and doublespeak. It was all planned.
