Alex Baer: It May Even Rain Later On This Year


gridlock in WashingtonAs predictions go, here's an easy one: I predict things will get factually bumpy where politicians are concerned. I also predict you'll detect today's Mystery Guest on Spot the Weasel, the game show that offers fabulous conundrums the longer you play!

Are you ready? From the time tunnel of 2009, Clue Number One: "Our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny President Obama a second term." In case there was any confusion about the issue, there was additional clarification right away: "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

Is that Slope of Truth Morsels not slippery enough? No guesses yet? Here's another helping, from just this week: "Just because we have a two-party system doesn't mean we have to be in perpetual conflict." This was said at the same time along with an admission that representatives were sent to Washington "to fight all the time." Puzzled? Here's one more clarifier: "Gridlock in Washington can be ended."

Tick, tick, tick.... BUZZZZ. Have you Spotted the Weasel yet?

All right, here's some more help: "We're going to go back to work and actually pass legislation." Has our Mystery Speaker moved into your Circle of Light, or your Dim Recognition of Awareness, as yet? No? Well, there's always this one: "The first thing I need to do is get the Senate back to normal."
