Alex Baer: Sticking to the Facts Would Be a Miracle


scientific methodI've been wondering about People again, so that already means I'm in way over my head.

A number of areas keep getting jumbled all together for me, which puts me in pretty good stead with my fellow beings, I guess.

It's likely -- I hope -- that comments and posts on various website pages are not accurate reflections of the intelligence level of my countrymen and countrywomen and countrybeings, and all the counterpartbeings in cities.

There are always a number of uneasy, queasy word-wars in progress on any Comments page. Like opinions, as you've no doubt heard from colloquial references to bodily apertures and orifices, we all have at least one.

The subject matter runs the gamut, from those who believe gamut is the lowest note of the medieval scale, to those who think it is a reference to the entire modern scale of musical notes, and then even on to the nonmusical among us who believe a gamut is the full breadth of human emotional range -- and beyond, to the spooky outsiders and transcendentalists who see a gamut as the entire range of anything, of everything.

Sometimes, people get gamut confused with gauntlet, and insist on running a gamut, or running amok, or even persist in thinking The Gamut was a Clint Eastwood movie.  (You remember Clint -- acting icon turned prolific director turned nutbag Chair Whisperer.)  And, very few people have ever successfully run a mok, so there is not much scientific literature around that might be considered helpful in running one, should any additional moks be discovered.
