Bob Alexander: Same Sh*t...Different Bun


e-cigarettesLet’s do a little thought experiment. Take anything you know to be a solid gold fact and have this fact not only be something you’ve researched the hell out of, but one that has also been proven over and over again to be true in your own experience.

Okay … now how would you feel when you read news articles that say the exact opposite of what you know to be true? And regardless of how many time the false talking points are debunked … they show up over and over again as if they’ve never been discredited. You might start getting the idea that there’s an agenda behind making sure disinformation trumps your known fact. This has happened so many times before I should be used to it by now, but as the tagline on the poster for Jaws IV The Revenge said, “This time it’s personal.”

I remember once years ago a speaker at a Stop Smoking Seminar came up with what she thought was one of the best reasons to quit smoking. She said, “Imagine how much money you'd save if you gave up smoking!" Yeah … I got it … people addicted to cigarettes are simply lacking good money-management skills. I realized at that moment the speaker didn’t know anything about How Addiction Works and later when I asked her what method she used to quit smoking she said, “Oh … I’ve never smoked … I just run these seminars.” With my suspicions confirmed I asked for my money back, didn’t get it, and went out and bought a carton.

I smoked for 44 years and tried to quit off and on over the last 36 of those years. I tried every stop smoking method out there, except for the stop smoking drugs that could have nasty suicidal side-effects. I finally was able to quit smoking about 4 years ago. March 6th 2010 to be exact. My electronic cigarette starter kit arrived in the mail and I quit smoking that day. I didn’t really quit smoking … I just learned how to smoke properly … without the smoke. More flavor … less death.

I spent a huge amount of time researching e-cigs before buying my first kit and I’ve learned a lot more since. Here’s how it shakes out:
