Alex Baer: Laugh or Cry, Push Reset and Just Reboot


US CongressToday's Over-the-Cliff riddle, brought to you by our mutual sponsors at Brinkmanship-M-Us: What's filled with excrement and does whatever it's told by its owners?

(While we wait for everyone to use their allotted 30 seconds to make a guess, I'll wish you a happy, cross-your-fingers reboot, into another year, and hope this one works out and fires up cleanly this time.)  Ding!

OK, pencils down, everyone.  You'll be quickly forgiven if you said something on the order of "our bought and paid-for, corporately-owned Congress."  (Not to highlight a technicality too vividly, but corporations and absurdly wealthy individuals can both own politicians nowadays.  This is called Progress.)

In any case here, award yourself 100 bonus points, and a Congressional "Stay Out of Jail on Your Own Recognizance Free" card, just for playing.  Hang on to that thing, too, once you get it.  Stash it in with the rest of your stash, in your safety deposit box, down at First Failing Hemisphere MegaBanxCo.

The Congressional Recog Card (hereafter referred to as The Card, per Section IV, Subsection W, para 101 through 163, inclusive) need never leave home to follow you and be in full effect -- everyone knows if you have one or not.  Plus, The Card works on just about anything, even DUI -- even if you're a tee-totalist Mormon and conservative Republican from Idaho, don't you know.
