Vote all you want: The flight plan doesn’t change


Vote all you want, the flight plan does not change no matter who wins.  We got us a big election coming up and of course the country is dividing itself right down the middle at least in some areas. For most of us out here this coming election means nothing.  The usual arguments over whether we are flying headlong into socialism or, if we are in fact in the throws of fascism seem to have lost their appeal.  Most have realized that whether socialism or fascism the end result is the same; a ruling class and the rest of us servants.  It just depends on which sales pitch appeals to you. For most of us, we have had it with the snake oil politicians and their ever changing sales pitch’s.

Fascism, the overtaking of government by corporations, is hidden behind euphoric,  glorious terms;  Free markets, free trade, globalism and the world economy.  Most who subscribe to this pitch appear to be fearful of being cut out of the action, maybe not getting a piece of the global pie or at least a piece as big as they thought they should get.  Socialism, the plan for the common people, will see many fall never to rise again.

In 2010, even many hard-core Republicans were relieved to see the end of the Bush/Cheney neo-cons and the unending assaults on freedom and our rights.  Eight years of what was, in my opinion, the most treacherous, murderous, pathologically evil cabal that had seized control of our country, was finally over.  What we were to find out was that it would only be continued under the new president, and taken so much further.
