Israeli editorial: Dear U.S. Jews, please don't let Netanyahu deceive you


Netanyahu and LiebermanWhat follows is an emotional and perhaps late appeal to Israel's friends in America, particularly the Jews among them, who see themselves as people looking out for own welfare. Don't bring us ill instead of good. Don't let Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman deceive you.

This appeal is being directed to those friends who can still think for themselves and demonstrate responsibility when it comes to us. Don't submerge yourselves in the flood of nationalist-religious history that is currently washing over us. Don't confuse governments that come and go with the state, which must always remain.

The Jews of New York's 9th Congressional district certainly thought they were doing a good thing for us when they voted in a new Republican congressman to replace Democrat Anthony Weiner. In the process, the voters also sent a blunt message to the White House: Beware, Barack Hussein Obama, of our retribution.

And in his fright, the president is already prepared to restrain himself when it comes to continued West Bank Jewish settlement construction. This is not necessarily a matter of turning a blind eye, but rather of doing it with eyes wide open.

Netanyahu is mounting a rearguard action, the catastrophic results of which are known in advance, and there is no good reason to join ranks with him. He is returning this week to the site of his past glory days at the United Nations, to renew those days of yore. Those days, however, are history, much like his past glory.
