The Coming American Revolution


John Trumbull's Declaration of IndependenceA revolution is brewing in the United States of America.  The public discontent surrounding the costly and disastrous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the firing of General Stanley A. McChrystal, and the BP oil spill in the Gulf are all indications that a revolution is nearing.  There are, of course, many other grievances, such as the trillion dollar bail-out and taxes, but there is one issue that makes a revolution inevitable:  the government lies and cover-up about what really happened on 9-11.

Revolutions are usually associated with violence, but they don't have to be.  Since 1990, half the nations of Europe and Asia have gone through peaceful revolutions that replaced the former dictatorships of the once mighty Soviet Union.  The apartheid regime of South Africa also came to an end without violence.  The revolution to restore the sovereignty of the American people certainly need not be violent, and really should not be.

The essential problem with the American republic today is that "the representation is a fiction" because our elections are fraudulent fiction.  President Obama and the Congressmen running the United States do not really represent us, the American people.  Our politicians are beholden to the people who put them in power, i.e.  the people who own and control the electronic voting machine systems used across the United States.
