Waiting For Dick Cheney To Die? Get a Chair


First, it’s not going to be “justice” when Dick Cheney finally drops dead. He’s an old man, a sick & diseased 69-year-old blob of bitter fat and gristle and plastic. If the poisonous toad had been run over by a manure truck about thirty years ago, that would’ve been evidence of the Great Cosmic Wheels of Justice at work, for if such forces existed, they would not be shackled by our puny concepts of Time.

Instead, his long evil life — maintained and extended at great cost to U.S. taxpayers — is a testament to the complete lack of supernatural punishment. Look at this, from a long list of Cheney’s endless “health problems” reaching back to the Disco Era: “1978: Cheney’s first heart attack.” 1978. Still think it’s a good idea to waste your Saturday afternoon checking the Internet for reports of Dick’s demise?
