Sowing poison in the name of 'curing' homosexuals

George RekersSelf-hatred promotes hatred of others and sows poison everywhere. It is an evil defense mechanism.

No group of humans is exempt from this malady. People who suffer from self-hatred are toxic, not only to their family and friends, but to the entire community. They are also a threat because they know how their victims think, are familiar with their fears and speak the same language.

In general, from the outside, it is hard to identify who they are. Among gays, however, one group stands out: the fundamentalists who preach a doctrine to "cure" homosexuality through so-called "reparative" or conversion therapy, which covers a range of methods aimed at changing sexual orientation of men and women.

The believers of this dreadful treatment often project an image of champions of family values and often are very devout — until they get caught hiring sex workers as escorts, masseurs and. . .
