The Unholy Wars & The Disinfo Age


One of the things about the information age is that control of the information is a hi-profit industry. If a manufacturer can get you to believe the commercial, then he can sell you his goods. If an information operation can sell you a line of bullshit (possible profanity alert) you will go around with that information in your head and it will influence what you believe to be true. It doesn't matter if it's true or not. What matters is if you believe it. People kill and engage in all sorts of nasty behavior based on what they believe to be true.

Not long ago, The Vatican was the biggest landlord in the world. They owned the most real estate. I say, "not long ago" because that might have changed but probably not. I think they used to own The Watergate too. It's the people who manipulate scripture to reveal calculated interpretations that set the members of different religions at each other's throats. This is intentional. It's a hi-profit industry. Control of one's sexual behavior has nothing to do with the cultivation of virtue, as the aforementioned church has shown in the behavior of their clergy.
