Forty-one states have refused Kobach's request for voter information


Kris KobachForty-one states have refused the Trump administration's request for certain voter information, according to a CNN inquiry to all 50 states.

State leaders and voting boards across the country have responded to the letter with varying degrees of cooperation -- from altogether rejecting the request to expressing eagerness to supply information that is public.

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, vice chairman of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, which President Donald Trump created by executive order in May, sent a letter to all 50 states last Wednesday requesting a bevy of voter data, which he notes will eventually be made available to the public.

TVNL Comment:  The Idiot in the WH, who has no clue how government works, thinks he can give an order and everyone will jump to comply.  No, Donald, there are limits to your power.  Read the US Constitution.  Oh, never mind.
