Drug-Dealing Cops Using Occupy Protesters as Test Subjects, Snitches?


In what strikes this reporter as highly unethical and likely illegal, police officers, highway patrol troopers and sheriff’s deputies from across Minnesota have been allegedly preying on drug-impaired youths, getting them high and observing their reactions, not unlike laboratory rats.

RogueMedia.org, with help from Twin Cities Indymedia, Communities United Against Police Brutality and Occupy Minneapolis, reported that their undercover investigation, revealed shocking stories of cops offering young people drugs and taken to a secret state-owned warehouse where vast amounts of drugs were consumed by the young test subjects under the watchful eyes of interested police.

The activists also witnessed, in Minneapolis’ Peavey Plaza, “police dropping off impaired people” where Occupy Minneapolis congregates.

The Minnesota State Patrol website says these tests on human guinea pigs are part of certification training “where they perform 12 evaluations on drug-impaired subjects” to better train cops for field-sobriety tests and so forth. Certification training takes two-to-three weeks, according to the RogueMedia.org story.
