Food freedom alert: Bureaucrats in Michigan threaten woman with jail time for planting vegetable garden in her own yard


This story involves a woman named Julie Bass, whose front yard was dug up during sewer line construction. After the construction project was completed, instead of planting grass, she thought it would be far more practical to plant a vegetable garden.

None of this seems to matter to Kevin Rulkowski, the city planner for the city of Oak Park, Michigan. With a nasty arrogance that seems to be increasingly common among ignorant bureaucrats, he complains in a video news report that Julie Bass's garden is in violation of city code and Julie has to dig up her entire garden or face punitive enforcement actions by the city (which could include jail time).

City code says, "All unpaved portions of the site shall be planted with grass, shrubbery or other suitable live plant material."

Hold on a minute, Mr. Rulkowski. Suitable does not mean "common." Suitable means appropriate within the context in which it is being used. Check any dictionary and you'll see the definition of "suitable" being either "appropriate" or "proper."

TVNL Comment: Keep telling us that troops protect freedom! The only people who can take away our freedom are lawmakers...American citizen law makers...and they do it every single day!
