Why Trump's Republican Senate enablers must be ousted this fall: Former NH GOP chair

Lincoln proectThe Lincoln Project generated strong criticism within Republican circles last week for “going after” a member of the Republican majority in the Senate. We had released an ad comparing Sen. Susan Collins unfavorably to past senators from her state of Maine, including Margaret Chase Smith — best known for being one of the few Republicans to stand up to Joe McCarthy and McCarthyism.

Chase Smith was fearless and will be forever remembered for her “Declaration of Conscience” speech in which she called out national leadership and declared the rights to protest, criticize and hold independent thoughts as basic principles of “American

It is hard for any serious student of history to deny the common themes of McCarthyism and Trumpism. Both are constructed on a foundation of “us vs. them,” suspicion of those who were not born in America, attempts to silence protest and dissent, and demonizing those who hold independent or unpopular beliefs.
