Filmmaker Calls 911 Attacks "a Hoax"


On Sept. 11 2001, filmmaker Paul Cross was doing post-production work in Washington DC when he heard about the "terrorist" attack.  He visited the crash-site just five hours after impact and could plainly see the official story was a lie.

"There was no passenger jet wreckage; the lawn wasn't scorched; lamp posts, fences and construction materials in the path of the jet were untouched." Cross told me.  "If this was a hoax, then the attack on the World Trade Centre was also a hoax."

Cross, 45, characterizes his pre-9-11 self as a "flag- waving patriot" who "voted Republican all my life."

He was crushed.  "I love my country. I was in mourning for weeks, literally in tears for what has become of this country."

He decided to alert his fellow citizens by making the feature film "Severe Visibility" about a Pentagon accountant, Major Stanley Kruter, who is slightly injured in the attack. He "has his head buried in the sand" but questions the official story when approached by a British investigative reporter.

Cross opted to make a feature instead of a documentary because he felt documentaries  preach to the converted.
