Report: CIA interrogations informed by bad science


The CIA's harsh interrogation program likely damaged the brain and memory functions of terrorist suspects, diminishing their physical ability to provide the detailed information the spy agency sought, according to a new scientific paper.

The paper scrutinizes the harsh techniques used by the CIA under the Bush administration through the lens of neurobiology. Researchers concluded that the harsh methods were biologically counterproductive to eliciting quality information because prolonged stress harms the brain's ability to retain and recall information.

TVNL Comment: Folks...this was done intentionally! They were CREATING the 9/11 myth! They were fabricating the story of 9/11 by toruring people into broken piles of flesh that ended up signing secret confessions that they never got to read. Everything was done in private, including the investigations. It is one big sham and all the pieces of the puzzle are public information. It is time the public started putting the pieces together!
